Preschool at home

Find activities to help you teach your preschooler at home. From literacy to numeracy to human body with worksheets, cut & paste, print-and-go, active games and more. Find resources in English and in Maori.
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This may contain: someone is drawing on an ipad with colored paints
easy low prep toddler activity to strengthen prewriting muscles bead threading for preschool at home
Want something prettier than drawing it yourself? Download the Inside My Body Activity Book for • Human body outline - can colour or laminate and use as a playdough mat • Print-and-go organ match worksheet • life-sized organ chalk activity • cut-and-paste organ activity - great for prewriting skills! • Organ writing pages • Printable in colour playdough creations cards Download the free Organ By Letter Colouring sheets for more playdough mat fun!
3 reasons why I teach my toddler how her body works
Welcome to Oh How They Grow! Here we share blog posts, printable products, and easy no-prep activity ideas for toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children to help you teach them how their body works. Learning about our bodies is so important, and it can be so much fun! I hope you find these resources helpful and that you'll follow Oh How They Grow for more. Thanks for visiting!
Free My Big Little Feelings Worksheets
These free My Big Little Feelings worksheets are the perfect way to help your toddler or preschooler identify emotions in themselves and others. With easy to follow activities and simple illustrations, these worksheets are a great way to start teaching your child about their emotions. Download these free My Big Little Feelings worksheets and join our mailing list for easy human body activities in your email inbox.
Easy science for preschoolers - google slideshow for teaching emotions and how the brain works.
Teach emotional regulation by teaching about the upstairs downstairs brain and the hand model of the brain. Its the perfect Kindergarten science lesson perfectly complemented by the cut-and-paste science for kindergarteners (upstairs downstairs brain activities and worksheets which can be found in my TPT store). Super helpful for teaching emotions preschool & kindergarten.
Inside My Body activity book - black & white differentiated print-and-go activities
This print-and-go activity book is perfect for preschool science and kindergarten science! The black and white differentiated activities are perfect for kids who want to learn more about their bodies and how they work. With easy-to-follow instructions, kids will have fun learning about their heart, lungs, and more!
6 ways to teach my toddler how her body works
Looking for ways to teach your toddler about her body? Check out this blog post for 6 ways to teach your toddler how her body works! From playing games to learning through books and activities, there are plenty of ways to help your toddler understand and explore her body. Play and learn activities, songs to sing together, and an Inside My Body Activity Book. Follow Oh How They Grow for more!
Help kids manage emotions with these free big little feelings worksheets
Choose one page of four feelings out of the 20 available in these worksheets. Draw and talk through the facial features someone may have when experiencing this emotion. Draw what someone may look like in body language if they're feeling this emotion. Draw and/or act out a time when you or your child/student felt this feeling. These free worksheets are a fun way to direct the conversation and learn how to identify feelings and manage big emotions together. Follow us for more!
6 ways I teach my toddler how her body works
How do I teach my 2 year old body parts? Read this blog post for fun, easy play and learn ideas based on the 'ways I teach my preschooler how the human body works'. We talk about it! We sing about it - 17+ learn about the body songs linked in this post! We see it...I wonder what that means? Read to find out. Draw it. Make it. Use it! Action games and getting physical always helps with effective learning for toddlers and preschoolers!
Printable Preschool activity pack brain themed
Quick and easy brain-themed science centre for preschool to complement a brain or human body unit. Printable activities cover functions of the brain, shapes, scissor skills, spatial awareness and colour matching.
Inside My Body Activity Book
In this blog post, I share numerous low prep toddler activities to help you teach your toddler and older kids how their body works. I also share the "Inside My Body Activity Book" as a great way to teach your 2 year old or preschooler about the human body. They will love the coloring pages and the fun activities. They will learn about the different organs of the body and what they do. This is a great way to occupy and engage your toddler while teaching older siblings!
This contains an image of: PicassoTiles PicassoToys Magnetic Tiles Halloween Pumpkin Puzzle DIY Play Ideas STEM Kids Activities
PicassoTiles PicassoToys Magnetic Tiles Halloween Pumpkin Puzzle DIY Play Ideas STEM Kids Activities
Preschool Pumpkin Activities to Help You Plan Your Next Pumpkin Theme
These preschool pumpkin activities are just right for my next pumpkin theme! Love the variety of ideas - from science to sensory to literacy. Perfect for fall. #FunADay #Pumpkins #Preschool #Preschoolers #PreschoolThemes
Use drawing to teach kids how to manage emotions
Choose one page of four feelings out of the 20 available in these worksheets. Draw and talk through the facial features someone may have when experiencing this emotion. Draw what someone may look like in body language if they're feeling this emotion. Draw and/or act out a time when you or your child/student felt this feeling. These free worksheets are a fun way to direct the conversation and learn how to identify feelings and manage big emotions together. Follow us for more!
Play and learn to identify feelings with these draw and act it out worksheets!
Children learn best when they are connecting and acting it out! Does your child like to draw? Act it out? These are perfect for you. Draw and talk through the facial features someone may have when experiencing this emotion. Draw what someone may look like in body language if they're feeling this emotion. Draw and/or act out a time when you or your child/student felt this feeling. These free worksheets are a fun way to direct the conversation and help children manage emotions. Follow us!