Precious Moments in Plastic Canvas from Leisure Arts ~~ Christmas in Plastic Canvas ~~ Leaflet 1804 ~~ 13 Designs! A collection of adorable plastic canvas creations from Precious Moments.  There's a project in this book to decorate all of your house for the holidays.  This adorable pattern book is in very good shape.  One corner of the front cover was folded at some point.  Otherwise it is in like new condition. Titles include: **Tissue Box Covers **Candy/Gift Boxes **Christmas Wreath, Basket & Wall Decorations **Nativity Scene **Angelic Ornaments **Table Decor Plastic Canvas Nativity, Plastic Canvas Coaster Patterns, Christmas In Plastic Canvas, Precious Moments Cross Stitch, Plastic Canvas Coaster, Precious Moments Christmas, Free Plastic Canvas Patterns, Angel Pins, Christmas Dinnerware Sets

Precious Moments by Leisure Arts ~ Christmas in Plastic Canvas ~ Booklet 1804 ~ Tissue Cover, Wreath, Ornaments, Nativity, Candy/Gift Boxes

Precious Moments in Plastic Canvas from Leisure Arts ~~ Christmas in Plastic Canvas ~~ Leaflet 1804 ~~ 13 Designs! A collection of adorable plastic canvas creations from Precious Moments. There's a project in this book to decorate all of your house for the holidays. This adorable pattern book is in very good shape. One corner of the front cover was folded at some point. Otherwise it is in like new condition. Titles include: **Tissue Box Covers **Candy/Gift Boxes **Christmas Wreath…


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