Star Trek: Movies

There have been twelve Star Trek Movies: The Motion Picture (1979), The Wrath of Khan (1982), The Search for Spock (1984), The Voyage Home (1986), The Final Frontier (1989), The Undiscovered Country (1991), Generations (1994), First Contact (1996), Insurrection (1998), Nemesis (2002), Star Trek (2009), Into Darkness (2013)
239 Pins
Fuck Yeah Dr. McCoy
Star Trek III is still my favorite. Great moments like this. I was so young my mom had to explain to me the irony that Spock never believed he lost any arguments.
I loved this picture and i loved this quote from Khan and i could help myself but make an edit!!! Star trek and chris pine
“Into the Darkness” by Rhys Cooper
Star Trek - Into The Darkness - Rhys Cooper ----
Something might be here later
Karl Urban watching a scene he just shooted, in STB.
Official Tumblr of BuzzFeed dot com (the website)
John Cho, Karl Urban, & Anton Yelchin