Java programming

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System design
1. Loadbalancer 2. Vertical & Horizontal Scaling 3. Database replication & Scaling 4. Caching considerations 5. Content Delivery Network 6. Stateful architecture & Stateless architecture 7. Message Queues 8. Logging, metrics, automation
How To Implement Spring Boot Thymeleaf Security Login Example? - JavaTechOnline
In continuation to previous article on two different ways of implementing Spring Security, here in this article we will learn the third way ‘How to implement Security in Spring Boot using UserDetailsService?’. After going through the previous article, I hope we all are very familiar with basics of Security and even basics of Security in a Spring Boot application. This time we will create a user registration form and save users with their roles into database.
Spring - Constructor-based vs setter-based vs field-based dependency injection
How to Read a File line by line using Java Stream - Files.lines() and Files.newBufferedReader() Utility APIs • Crunchify
Java Tutorial : Java Access modifiers (field)
JAVA EE: Java Tutorial : Java Access modifiers (field)
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions in Java - Scientech Easy
OOP Exercises - Java Programming Tutorial
OOP Exercises - Java Programming Tutorial