Chickens 🐔🐔

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Ameraucana Chicken Breed Information, Characteristics, Temperament
In the 1970s, an American breed of domestic chicken with pea comb was brought from Chile to the United States of America. They were derived from the Araucana chicken breed. #chicken #chickenbreed #ameraucana #ameraucanachicken #chickeninformation #poultryfarming #farming #poultrycare
Sapphire Olive Egger: The Friendly Chicken That Lays Green Eggs
Sapphire Olive Egger chickens produce beautiful olive-colored eggs – sometimes over 200 per year! However, you won’t always find these egglayers for sale in hatcheries. Want to add these olive orbs to your eggscape? Here’s the scoop on the new bird in the coop.
What Foods Can Chickens Eat?