Animal Habitats

Octopus | Life Cycle Activities | Biomimicry Design Projects | Nonfiction
Dive into the intriguing world of octopuses with these captivating life cycle and design activities. This nonfiction resource is designed to engage students in hands-on learning about the shape and colorshifting octopuses. You’ll have a great time exploring this intelligent invertebrate.
Mega Set of Animal Sorting Mats - peanut butter fish lessons
Mega Set of Animal Sorting Mats - peanut butter fish lessons
The Homeschool Quest Free And Affordable Resources & Printables | Facebook
The Homeschool Quest Free And Affordable Resources & Printables | Facebook
Camels | Life Cycle Activities | Biomimicry Design Projects | Nonfiction
Dive into the intriguing world of hot and sandy deserts with these captivating life cycle and design activities. This nonfiction resource is designed to captivate students and immerse them in hands-on exploration of the remarkable camel. Get ready for an exhilarating dive into the world of sand and explore how camels have adapted to life in these extreme environments.
Bird's Nest Activities | Biomimicry Design Projects | Nonfiction
This nonfiction resource is designed to captivate students and immerse them in hands-on exploration of the remarkable world of nest building. Get ready for an exhilarating dive into the world of birds and explore how birds are using low value materials to create amazing homes.
Montessori Animal Kingdom Sorting Activity/Game in English and Spanish
Montessori Vertebrate Animals Sorting Activity/Game in English and Spanish
Habitat and Adaptations - 3rd Grade Close Reading Unit
This complete unit will help you teach your 3rd grade class about plant and animal adaptations to their enviornment. This unit focuses on the desert habitat and is aligned with NGSS 3-LS4-3 and NGSS 3-LS4-4 along with Utah SEEd 3.2.5 and 3.2.6.
Exploring Animal Habitats With Meaningful Literature And More
Thematic Thursday-Let's Learn about Animal Habitats
Animal and Habitat Match Free Printables, 2 Versions
Animal and Habitat Match Free Printables
Ecosystems Unit {Digital & PDF Included}
Students love animals, making ecosystems and habitats an exciting topic to teach! EVERYTHING you need to teach a science unit on ecosystems and habitats can be found here! This 2 week, 76 page ecosystems and habitats unit includes 8 S.T.E.M. Based Science Lessons on Everything Ecosystems & Habitats and everything needed to implement those lessons!