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210K views · 13K reactions | Let's Craft Using a Dollar Tree Solar Light! | Let's Craft Using a Dollar Tree Solar Light! | By DIY Beauty On Purpose | For the next Dollar Tree DIY craft, we're going to start with this garden dish. It is clear. We are going to remove the paper and the stickers from the inside as well as the back and then we're going to wipe it well because we do not want any dust or any smudges. This is the vase that we're going to use with it. Um I just thrifted this a while back and again, we're just going to dust it and clean it well. I'm going to spray the vase white with the spray paint from Rust Oleum and I'm going to spray the dish red with this spray paint from Rust Oleum. I took it outside and I'm going to spray paint them give them a couple of light coats and of course letting them dry I did however realize that I missed a step so after it was all dry the red dish I had to go back inside and do it all over again because we missed a step so okay so let me show you this is the solar light we're going to use I'm going to use a piece of vinyl from Dollar Tree and I'm just going to this is just one left over from Christmas I'm going to trace it and I'm going to cut it and then we are going to peel it like a sticker and place it right there we need that opening because we're creating a mushroom from our garden or for indoors and once it's spray painted then this is what it look like so don't do as I did just do as I say just make sure you add that vinyl there before you spray paint it alright live and learn so I'm going to make some circles to make it look like a cute little mushroom and I'm going to use way really chalkman in the white I did do two coats to each circle and then once dry we are going to remove the vinyl and this is where we have we want that to be clear because we want the solar light to be able to recharge I'm going to take it out like I did earlier and I'm just going to spray paint it with that top coat. Gonna make it nice and shiny and glossy and just make sure everything is nicely sealed. This is how everything is looking and now we're going to put everything together. The solar light, we just want to remove that little paper and then we are going to remove the stick because we are not going to need that part. Alright, so now we are going to place some stones inside the vase. That way it's going to be nicely weighted and it's not going to tilt on us and then we are going to hot glue the solar light right on top. Just work a little quick because it does dry quickly. So there you go and then we're going to do a combination of E 6000 as well as hot glue to attach the top portion. Just make sure that you don't mix the two. Just kind of keep them as little a little separated as possible and we're going to place it right there. We're going to hold it until it hardens and I think it turned out absolutely gorgeous. I've seen several of these being made online as well as on Pinterest. Love the way this turn out. What do you think? Let me know down in the comments. If you enjoyed this video, I would love for you to consider sharing it with your friends and don't forget to follow for more DIY crafts inspiration.
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