Air dry clay ideas

406 Pins
How to Make Air Dry Clay Smooth
When I first started using air dry clay there was nothing more frustrating for me than trying to smooth the surface of my first few sculptures. No matter how #air #dry #clay
The Easiest Way to Glaze Air Dry Clay
Wondering how to seal air dry clay for a smooth finish? Find the easiest techniques for glazing air dry clay at home. Pin now to keep these tips handy.
Easily Smooth Air Dry Clay
Struggling to get a flawless finish on your air dry clay projects? Learn glazing techniques and other tips to achieve smooth, professional results every time. Save this pin for easy access to the best techniques for smoothing air dry clay!
How to Polish Rocks by Hand or in a Tumbler: Expert Tips
Manual rock tumbling. Throw rocks, sand, and water into a plastic jar and shake! I think I'll make one and put it on my desk to shake when I get stressed.
This may contain: a man standing over a wooden table with food on it
Homemade Fertilizer with Egg Shells.
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How To Make Beautiful Decorative Plant Pots From Plastic Bottles And Cement  | Engineering Discoveries
How To Make Air Dry Clay (No Glue) | Easy DIY Air Dry Clay | World of Doll Crafts