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Motivational posters and inspirational prints
Accept What Is Poster - – Quote about letting go of the past, accepting the present and looking forward to the future - Desenio.com
Ghosting is for cowards
Ghosting is the biggest cowards way out of ending a relationship/ friendship/ any kind of connection with someone. Shows you literally don’t care about that person AT ALL & never did. #ghosting #beingghosted #ghostingisforcowards #ghostingisnotcool #ghostinghurts #ghostingpeople #ghosting👻
When relationships end…
When a relationship or friendship ends it usually feels crushing and most of us feel that we have failed at some point. It’s very common to focus on how or why things have ended rather than acknowledging all the good times spent together, the laughter, the joy, the excitement, the tears cried together, the moments of deep connection. When a relationship ends it’s because it is complete, at least for this version of the relationship. And it is absolutely normal to feel heartbroken and to gr