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Mickey Kadowaki on Instagram: "- No matter where the ball is coming at you from, spacing from your body allows you to make a locked out angle. When the ball is close to your body you get caught up in that awkward range where you get caught up high with your platform or indecisive with your hands. - - Both players did an awesome job learning how to keep spacing from the ball. Sometimes you have to keep it fun for the players so that they stay motivated when trying out something new! I did exactly that and was able to practice something new in a fun learning environment! - - 2 Absolute studs for only being 12! Super stocked to be apart of their journey! - - - FOLLOW @oahosports - - #volley #volleyball #volleyballplayer #volleyballgirls #volleyballboys #volleyballplayers #volleyball🏐 #volle
3 Drills To Help Passers With Movement 2 Ball Roll Side to Side Shuffle This helps athletes work on their shuffling as they focusing on… | Instagram