Avoiding Teacher Burnout With Some Time Management Tricks
As teachers, we don’t expect to have a completely checked to-do list. It’s a nice idea. But we all know that if we dare to get close to achieving everything that needs to be done that week, ta-da a crisis appears. Learn what you can do manage your time effectively as a teacher. #distancelearning #virtuallearning #classroommanagement #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #teacher #student #timemanagement #stressfree #teacherburnout #theunderratedteacher #underratedteacher #specialeducation
Phonics for Older Students Activities Long Vowel Fast Fluency Passages
These phonics reading and dictation passages are perfect for reading intervention with older students, upper elementary pupils, middle school students, EFL and ESL. They are helpful for dyslexic students and reading remediation as they constantly reinforce the sounds being learned through reading, ...
Phonics Intervention Middle School
Are you looking for reading and writing resources that are suitable for your older, struggling readers? This article discusses the importance of selecting the right materials for students reading below levels and introduces you to the resources that I create to help these students.
Dyslexia PHONICS PUZZLES for Older Students Reading Remediation
A great dyslexia remediation tool. Phonics digraph sounds, differentiated Word Match and Color The Sounds worksheets. Perfect for older students, upper elementary children with missing or weak phonics and middle school readers reading below grade level.Match the Sounds Worksheets: Simply match up th...
Catch-Up Learning
Older, struggling readers, dyslexic students, and those reading below grade level will enjoy these totally unique New Years' phonics, color by code sheets for the sounds: -ai, -oa, -ew, -ire, -ear, and -er.There are 4 engaging coloring sheets (with answers).-ay, -ee, -igh, -ow, -ow, -oo, and -oo ava...
This short article discusses the enormous benefits of using dictation to improve spelling in struggling readers, dyslexic students, middle and high school students and adults. Discover how this simple approach has helped poor spellers to improve for years and how you can implement it in your teachi...