Inspiring Quotes

Slow Sewing
A stitch or two - (or more) helps me focus on the good things in my life. Does it work the same for you? #QuiltyFun #Quiltblox #ILoveSewing #ILoveQuilting #QuiltersofInstagram #QuiltersofFacebook #LearntoQuilt #QuiltingInspiration #QuiltingFun
Bloom As If
I love this quote by entrepreneur, philanthropist, doctor and poet Debasish Mridha. #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox #DebasishMridha
Let's Get Busy
Have you ever noticed how the most creative ideas come when you are working - even if you are working on something not related? Just sitting around doing nothing - leads to more of the same. For me - I'm finding that the more things I'm interested in - the more connections I see. Those connections are often the source of some of the best ideas. #InspiringQuotes #InspiringSayings #Quiltblox #PabloPicasso
I Quilt - What's Your Super Power
Quilting is a super power! #Quiltblox #QuiltySayings #QuiltyInspiration
If it's to be ...
This quote has always resonated with me. It's another version of "If it's to be - it's up to me". For an even more powerful message to self: Replace "you" with "I" Draw the art I want to see, Start the business I want to run, Play the music I want to hear, Write the books I want to read, Build the products I want to use, Do the work I want to see done. No waiting for permission, someone else to come along and do it - or doing without. Just start and keep going. #Quiltblox #InspiringQuotes
Spring is so very close! The crocus is blooming and we have dozens of clumps of daffodils just about to explode in a profusion of yellow. It feels like the earth is waking up from a long cold slumber - and I'm ready to enjoy it all. #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox #RalphWaldoEmerson
Creativity and Art
We all make lots of "mistakes" in pursuing our craft - but really are they? Mistakes, I mean. Aren't these attempts that didn't turn out the way we'd hoped - important stepping stones in our creative journey? I like the concept of "Creating Lavishly - Editing Carefully". #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox
Put Your Good
This one requires some thought - at least for me. Over time - I've realized that I can only do so much with the time I have. I need to make it count in ways that are meaningful. Taking care of self - and others is important. I'm trying to do it with intention. #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox
Without art ...
Even to imagine a world without creative expression, without art in all its forms - it's just too sad to contemplate. Thank goodness for every single human being who dares to express their hopes, dreams, experiences, and thoughts in whatever art form most appeals to them. #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox
Banish Self-Doubt
Self-doubt hits all of us when we're trying something new. Do I have the skills, do I know enough, am I going too far outside my comfort zone. Expressing your creativity is by its very nature - a journey into the unknown. The only way to get there is by acknowledging your concerns - and doing it anyway. #InspiringQuotes #Creativity
Creative Activity
Giving myself permission to try new activities - without censorship or worrying about getting it "right" the first time is so important in the pursuit of creative ideas. Equally as important (to me) is the process of stepping back and taking a look at the activity afterwards - and focussing not on the end result - but on what I learned each step of the way. Those "learning moments" - can lead to some amazing breakthroughs. #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox
Don't Wait For Inspiration
I fell in love with the writings of Jack London in the 5th grade. His ability to create a world of such detail and suspense in his timeless stories - still inspires me today. This quote by London connects with me too. Clearly - sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike - isn't particularly productive. The best ideas come (sometimes in a whirlwind, sometimes in a trickle) when I'm experimenting, trying out new techniques and making a mess. #Inspiring Quotes #Quiltblox #JackLondon
Bloom where you are planted
I've heard the first part of this saying most of my life. It makes sense to me that we take what we have and foster growth. It's the second part of this quote that really gets me thinking about how to sow seeds of creativity in my Quiltblox creative community and beyond. My own creativity is fed by learning new things and mastering new skills. Sharing what I've learned in my creative journey is one of the best ways I can think of to "sow where you are fed". #InspiringQuotes #Quiltblox
I Dwell in Possibility
This quote by Emily Dickinson inspires me to think about what could be - rather than what is. That's particularly at this time of year when I'm taking time to review my progress over the past year and chart my course for where I want to go in this new year. The possibilities are so exciting! Now ... to make them my reality.