
432 Pins
Basivertebral Nerve Ablation for Lower Back Pain
Basivertebral nerve ablation is a treatment option for chronic back pain caused by damaged vertebral endplates in the lumbar spine (lower back). Learn about the procdure on Spine-health.
Can Herniated Discs Heal on Their Own?
A herniated disc occurs when the inner core of a disc bulges through the outer covering. While extremely painful, for most people the symptoms are not long-lasting. Tap the link to learn more.
Is Piriformis Syndrome the Same Thing as Sciatica?
Both sciatica and piriformis syndrome can cause symptoms in your lower back, buttock, and/or leg, but their underlying causes are different. Tap the link to learn more. #piriformis #sciatica #lowerbackpain #buttockpain #legpain
What Causes Neck and Shoulder Pain?
Neck and shoulder pain commonly occur together. Pain may worsen with certain activities, such as turning the head to the side. Tap the link to learn about common causes of neck and shoulder pain.' #neckpain #shoulderpain #cervicalspine