the old schoolhouse

23 Pins
Melting in the Kansas Fields of Sunflowers and Country Schools
the cloak room at school - it looks just like I remember er at Parker in Detroit, Mi!
One Room Schoolhouse and TPT SALE!!
Teacher Bits and Bobs: One Room Schoolhouse and TPT SALE!!
Where Did the Summer Go?
This one reminds me of all the stories Grandma used to tell me of her being a student in a one-room school house and then later teaching in one.
Lonely Winter One Room School
A lonely one room school house in Winter in rural Augusta Wisconsin. Description from I searched for this on
Art Student Rebellion by Steve Harrington
Art Student Rebellion. The art students expressed their deepest emotions outside the entrance to the one-room schoolhouse at Moreston Pioneer Village in southern Ontario. Which raises an important question: Are we looking at the beginning of some new fangled art movement, or the "going to hell in a hand basket" collapse of traditional values?