Fitness Equipment & Gears

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Can You Deadlift on a Smith Machine? Yes, Here’s How
The smith machine is a type of resistance training equipment visually similar to a barbell rack, but with a barbell held in place along a linear vertical path so as to improve the safety of the lifter and allow any weight added to be self-stabilizing. #weightlifting #strengthtraining #deadlift #workouttips #fitnessequipments #smithmachine
6 Best Compound Dumbbell Exercises (with Pictures!)
The best compound dumbbell exercises are simply their barbell counterpart. Namely the chest press, the squat, deadlift, row, and overhead press. #compoundexercises #dumbbellexercises #barbellrow #squats #deadlift #overheadpress #freeweights
Push Up Bars: Are there any Benefits to Using Them?
If one were to narrow down the benefits push-up bars provide, they protect and elevate the wrists in a manner that produces a larger range of motion. #pushups #pushupbar #gymlife #gymequipment #fitness #calisthenics #strengthtraining
EZ Bar Curl vs Barbell Curl: Which is Best?
The EZ bar bicep curl is considered to be easier on the wrist joint but generally lighter than the barbell bicep curl. Other factors are largely the same. #biceps #bicepcurls #bodybuilding #strengthtraining #EZbars #gymequipment #workoutequipment
Arm Blaster Benefits: Does it Actually Do Anything?
The arm blaster alters the way in which the bicep curl is performed. The benefits stem from the fact that the fitness device forces perfect form. #biceps #armworkout #bodybuilding #armblaster #workoutequipment
What is a Squat Plug? Efficacy Explained
The most common reason for using a squat plug is to prevent rectal prolapse, emissions from the rectum, or for improvement in total weight load. #squats #weightlifting #liftingequipment #squatplug #fitnessequipment
5 Best Resistance Band Compound Exercises: Workout More Effectively at Home
Resistance band compound exercises make for a low-impact method of simulating multiple muscle groups at the same time, regardless of your gym access. #lowimpactworkout #resistanceband #pushups #deadlifts #compoundexercise
6 Best Resistance Band Quad Exercises: For Huge Legs
Quadriceps strengthening with resistance bands is possible through the modification of exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and leg extensions, among others. #quadriceps #resistanceband #quadsworkout #strengthtraining #deadlift #bandsquat
Are Door Pull-Up Bars Safe? It Depends!
Door pull up bars can be both dangerous for you and your house depending on the brand and type as well as if the equipment was installed correctly. #fitnessequipments #homeworkout #pullupbars #doorpullupbar
How Much Does a Treadmill Weigh? Usually 200-300 lbs
The total weight of a treadmill can have a significant impact on quite a number of factors, both unrelated and directly connected to your physical fitness. #fitness #treadmill ##gymequipment #fitnessequipment #gymlife
How Much Is 3 Plates On Each Side? Barbell Math Explained
When a person says that they can lift 3 plates, it's referring to 3 plates on each side of the barbell weighing 45 lbs each with a barbell weighing 45 lbs. #weightlifting #barbell #weightplate #gymequipment #fitness
Elliptical vs Rowing Machine: Which is Best?
The main differences between the elliptical and rowing machine lie in the muscle groups being recruited, as well as the biomechanics employed by the movements. #aerobicexercise #elliptical #rowingmachine #gymequipment #gymlife
Knee Sleeves for Squats: 4 Benefits Explained
Knee sleeves have several benefits for squats. They apply compression to the knee joint, provide support, blood circulation, minimize discomfort, and aid recovery. #freeweights #squats #kneesleeves #athletetraining #weightlifting #fitnessgear
Are Dumbbells Enough? YES, Here’s How and Why
Dumbbells alone are indeed sufficient enough equipment to develop muscle mass and strength - so long as you know how to use them properly. #dumbbells #strengthtraining #bodybuilding #chestpress #dumbbelldeadlift
Commercial vs Private Gyms: Is there a Difference?
Commercial and private gyms differ quite a bit in a variety of aspects. Namely things like cost of membership as well as the equipment that's offered. #fitness #gymlife #gymrat #privategym #commercialgym #gymmembership