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Mindblowing Playhouses that'll Make You Wish You Were Seven
60's Playhouse - looks a lot like the one in our yard today, used to be my husband's playhouse as kid, now houses mower!
Photo Library
Christmas Table...love the simplicity of the lanterns and pine cones. LOOKS FABULOUS and won't break the bank!!!!
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Christmas Holiday typography signage graphic artwork on canvas panel by Stephen Fowler
Free Cookies & Cocoa Christmas Printables
{Free Printables} I love entertaining bars--simple decorations, prepared beverages or treats, everyone gets to create their own special drink and you get to enjoy the party as well! Hot cocoa is a very cute idea for the kids. (And why not a grown-up surprise one evening with a little peppermint or marshmallow-flavored liquour?)
Holiday Decorating with Pinecones
How clever is that? A little glitter star on top of a pine cone and you have a Christmas Tree!
Find a Home - Property Listing
featured in the July 2011 issue of This Old House in "Save This Old House" article. The front of the house was built to resemble an old river showboat