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Hot Shots Volleyball on Instagram: "LOVE THIS DRILL 🚨 *LIKE* THIS POST AND FOLLOW US FOR MORE DRILLS! THIS IS A PERFECT WAY TO TEACH THE SPIKE TO YOUR YOUTH VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS! BUILDS CONFIDENCE AND HELPS GET THEM A STRONG FOUNDATION TO WORK WITH! TRY THIS TWO STEP SPIKING DRILL TODAY WITH YOUR VOLLEYBALL TEAM 👇 🏐 Use a pool noodle and some scotch tape to make this volleyball holder 💡 🔥 Coach holds pool noodle and volleyball up high enough that your players must get up a bit for that spike (but not too high that they cannot reach). Height will have to be adjusted accordingly for each player. 🏐 Player takes two proper steps into the spike and tries to generate enough power to hit the ball through the pool noodle and hard onto the floor. 🔥 Once player is able to do this comfort
Coach Chijo | The "Elbow Check" #volleyballserve #volleyball #volley #volleyballplayer #volleyballgirls #voleibol #voleybol #pallavolo... | Instagram
Coach Chijo | Hide the Elbow #volleyballspikes #volleyballspike #volleyballspiker #volleyballhitter #volleyball #volley #volleyballplayer... | Instagram
Coach Chijo | Overhand Serve for the 1st Time! This 9-year-old learns how to overhand serve by playing a game called "Hit the Cones." #volleyballserve... | Instagram
Charly Russell | Here are my top 5 passing drills to do at home. 1. Passing to the wall (angles) 2. Underhand toss to the wall, pass to self 3. Pass to... | Instagram
Alison Furno | Volleyball float serve contact practice for a standing serve or jump serve✨ to have a faster serve contact and swing! this drill is great... | Instagram
Alison Furno | Serving toss for a volleyball float serve🎯 ❌ Many volleyball players toss the ball straight up or behind them, causing them to overrun the... | Instagram
Coach Kha | VOLLEYBALL UNIVERSITY | Here's 4 ways you can improve your overhand serve . . . #volleyballislife #volleyball #voleibol #muscle #coach #coaching #transform... | Instagram
Coach Chijo | Good Grip #servereceive #volleyballpassing #volleyball #volley #volleyballplayer #volleyballgirls #voleibol #voleybol #pallavolo... | Instagram
Alison Furno | Wall traps for float serving 😍 This drill is great for athletes that are just learning to serve, need to work on a flat contact for a... | Instagram
Alison Furno | Serving contact drill ✨ Wall traps are one of my favorite drills to help with a solid volleyball serving swing! ❌ Many players stop... | Instagram
Cecilia Moyer | SAVE to try it later! SHARE if it inspires you. FOLLOW @ceciliamoyer for more content! | Instagram
Sports Performance Volleyball | 🏐 Summer Camps & Tryouts🏆 Throwback to one of our summer camps held at @rrsportscenter ! Can't wait to go back this summer! The ability... | Instagram
Hot Shots Volleyball | LOVE THIS DRILL 🚨 *LIKE* THIS POST AND *FOLLOW US* FOR MORE! 🏐 All players have a volleyball 🏐 All players are spread out throughout the... | Instagram