Track workouts for sprinters

10 Pins
Nine Exercises For Sprinters!
The basic idea of these exercises is simple. Explode off the ground, and then once your feet touch, explode again spending minimal amounts of time on the ground.
Do what it takes
Which basically ruined all my race times this year. Maybe this year I'll finally get the hang of it
How to Train for a 400M Sprint
The 400-meter race is track and field's longest sprint event, covering exactly one lap of a standard outdoor track. Taking anywhere from just under 50 seconds for the fastest women in the world to around a minute for a talented high school girl, the 400 -- about 2.3 meters shy of a quarter mile -- requires both top-notch jets and anaerobic strength, so proper training for the event includes many different workouts. Start your training two to three months before your competitive season begins.
Track and Field Is For Everyone!
Probably going to print out multiple copies of this to enlighten my track-clueless friends and family
Myrrisa says: My Sprint workout today, yes I'm a Track girl at ♡ 40° weather I'm out here! Warm Leggings by @superduperfresh #Padgram
Track Star Sprint Workout #sprinting #fitness #workout