Mindful Movement Quotes

Quotes about movement, learning, neuroplasticity, Feldenkrais, ABM, and reaching your unique potential!
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There are often people I'd love to be able to tell this to, but I am wise enough to know better than to try telling this to someone unwilling to listen.
Inspirational Quote for Life, Mistakes, Addiction and Recovery.
Mindfulness... I have found more general calm and happiness since I have learned to be where I am when I am there. I value my personal time more and my relationships with others are more genuine. It all started when I put my cell phone down....
Yet by mholtzen I started using the word “Yet” with my students a couple years ago. When a child says, “But I don’t get it,” or “I can’t do this,” which happens often in my land of perfectionists, I add the word, “Yet” to the end of their declaration.
Math Equals Love | Math Teaching Blog by Sarah Carter
Math = Love: #EduRead Growth Mindset Posters
MindfullMoves with Jen Stewart
How Aware are you??? Great quote by Anat Baniel's book "Kids Beyond Limits". Learn about her 9 Essentials and how they can help children with special needs reach their full potential.
MindfullMoves with Jen Stewart
Great learning comes from within!!! Love this quote by Anat Baniel from her book "Kids Beyond Limits", Learn about her 9 Essentials and how they can help children with special needs reach their full potential.