
457 Pins
People who think they are better by acting condescending, or who ride their self righteous high horse, are nauseating...
And if you’re (look at that Christie 🙄) going to come to me with stupid Koko theories just DON’T. Ohhh FYI I’m against any woman being under the control of ANY MAN. That’s called independence. There’s a difference between taking care of your husband and being a woman stuck in a situation because you don’t have financial freedom. That would be most unhappy Armenian housewives. Oh and koko don’t sell me Baghdassarian theories.🙄
I know some that didnt get their butt beat as a kid enough or at all and think they can treat people like crap all the time. I can't control the internet but in person it would be a different story lol. Thinking people want to be you, or your so much better and pretty than anyone else. Really? You are some kind of stupid aren't you?! Give me a break. SMH You aren't on the Kardashians TV show. You can't show your teeth and you think your a model or something? Wow just wow 🤣🤣🤣