Celtic Mythology

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Brigid: Pagan Goddess and Christian Saint – Symbol Sage
Goddess Brigid is a pagan Irish goddess of spring, renewal, fertility, poetry, battle, and crafts. She’s one of the most revered of all Irish deities, and the rituals surrounding the goddess still continue to be upheld even today. She was Christianized and made a saint, supposedly by St. Patrick. Today, she's revered as both a Christian saint and a Celtic pagan goddess. #christian #celtic #pagan #goddess #symbolsage
Celtic God: Nodens – Symbol Sage
Nodens, also known as Nudens and Nodons, is the Celtic god most commonly associated with healing, sea, hunting, and wealth. In medieval Welsh legends, the god’s name changed over time, from Nodens to Nudd, and later it became Llud. #celtic #mythology #god #healing #symbolsage
Irish Goddess Morrigan – Symbol Sage
The Morrigan is a popular Irish deity, described as a beautiful woman who could shapeshift. She was commonly associated with ravens and was known for foretelling the future. She was the goddess of war, death, fate, and prophecy. She was all-knowing and knowledgeable. Her appearance during battle indicated the side that was favored. She instilled fear in those who had crossed her. She demonstrated vindictiveness. She was powerful and strong. #shapeshift #ravens #fate #war #symbolsage
Goddess Cerridwen – Symbol Sage
In the Celtic-Welsh lore, Cerridwen was a powerful enchantress with incredible magical talents. She possessed the gifts of Awen – poetic wisdom, inspiration, and prophesy. In modern times, Cerridwen has been honored and portrayed as the keeper of the sacred cauldron as well as the goddess of transformation, inspiration, and rebirth. #enchantress #magic #wisdom #inspiration #symbolsage
Arawn: Welsh God of Afterlife – Symbol Sage
According to Welsh mythology, Arawn is the ruler of the realm of Annwn, or Otherworld – the idyllic resting place of the deceased. As a responsible guardian of his realm, Arawn is just and fair, honoring the promises he makes, but tolerating no insubordination. Arawn represents honor, duty, war, revenge, death, tradition, terror, and hunt. #mythology #honor #war #death #symbolsage
Aengus: Irish God of Love & Poetry – Symbol Sage
Every ancient religion has a god of love. The Celtic god Aengus is that for the people of Ireland. He doesn’t shoot people with arrows of love but, instead, he has mastered the art of poetry. More than just a god of love, Aengus can also be seen as a god of mischief of sorts, as he is constantly getting into spats and arguments with his fellow Tuatha dé Danann. #love #god #mischief #irish #symbolsage
Irish Mother Goddess: Danu – Symbol Sage
In Celtic mythology, the goddess Danu, also known as Anu or Dana, is the ancient mother of all gods and of the Celtic people. She was thought to be both the original goddess and god, an all-encompassing deity who gave birth to everything and everyone. She’s often associated with Earth, waters, winds, fertility, and wisdom. #celtic #mythology #ancient #mother #symbolsage
Cernunnos: Celtic Horned Dog – Symbol Sage
In Celtic mythology, Cernunnos was the Horned God who ruled over wild beasts and places. He’s most commonly associated with forests, wild animals, fertility, and wealth. Cernunnos is often depicted with prominent stag antlers on his head and was known as the Lord of the Wild Places or God of the Wilds. #forest #wild #celtic #mythology #symbolsage
The Goddess Andraste – Symbol Sage
Andraste was a warrior goddess in Celtic mythology, who was associated with victory, ravens, battles and divination. She was a strong and powerful goddess, often invoked before a battle in hopes of gaining victory. #celtic #mythology #warrior #goddess #symbolsage
Celtic Gods and Goddesses – Symbol Sage
The Celts were a diverse group of people, who lived across various regions such as Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Britain. Their culture, religion, and belief systems were influenced by the various regions they resided in, and they imbibed and adopted the distinct mythology, rituals, and worship practices of each place. #celtic #mythology #gods #goddesses #symbolsage
Macha Goddess of Ireland – Symbol Sage
In ancient Ireland, there was a goddess revered by women warriors, feared by men, and known to everyone in all the land. She is called Macha, a deity that paved the way for many other Machas who sought to emulate her example of possessing power and reliable foresight. #ancient #ireland #goddess #power #symbolsage
Rhiannon: Welsh Horse Goddess – Symbol Sage
Rhiannon, also known as Great Queen and White Witch, is an inspiring character in Celtic mythology, who possesses deep magic and can manifest her desires and dreams for the good of herself and others. #queen #witch #horse #goddess #symbolsage
Celtic Goddess: Badb – Symbol Sage
In Celtic mythology, Badb, also known as Battle Crow or Death-Bringer, was the goddess of death and war, creating confusion and fear on battlefields in favor of the victors. #celtic #mythology #goddess #death #symbolsage
Who Is The Morrigan? – Symbol Sage
The Morrigan, also called Mórrígan or Morrígu, is one of the most unique and complex deities of Irish mythology. She’s depicted as a strong, mysterious and vengeful figure with immense power. #irish #mythology #mysterious #power #symbolsage
Symbolism of Goddess Brigid – Symbol Sage
Brigid is an Irish goddess of spring, renewal, fertility, poetry, battle, and crafts. She’s a solar goddess and is often visualized with rays of light shooting from her head. Brigid means “exalted one”, and her soldiers are referred to as “brigands”. She’s one of the most revered of all Irish deities, and the rituals surrounding the goddess still continue to be upheld even today. #irish #goddess #spring #poetry #symbolsage