Papers by İbrahim Toprak
![Research paper thumbnail of İBN HAZM’A GÖRE HZ. MUHAMMED’İN NÜBÜVVETİNİN İSPATI [Proof of Muhammad's Prophethood According to Ibn Hazm]](
Sinop Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2020
Bu makalede, Zâhirî bir alim olan İbn Hazm’ın (v. 456/1064) Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetini... more Öz
Bu makalede, Zâhirî bir alim olan İbn Hazm’ın (v. 456/1064) Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetini kanıtlamada kullandığı yöntem ele alınmıştır. O, Hz. Peygamber’in nübüvvetini ispatlarken mucizelerini ve sîretini delil kabul etmiştir. Mucizede tehaddî (meydan okuma) şartı aramayan İbn Hazm, kerâmeti de kabul etmeyerek nübüvvetin ispatında mucizenin gücünü korumak istemiştir. O, mucizeyi nübüvvetin kanıtlanma-sında gerekli görmesine karşın bir yandan da Hz. Peygamber’in eşsiz yaşantısının, nübüvvetini başka hiçbir delile ihtiyaç bırakmayacak şekilde ispatladığını söyler. İbn Hazm’ın, dönemin kelâmında nübüvvetin doğrulanmasında pek fazla kullanılmayan sîret delilini kullanmış olması dikkate değerdir. Ayrıca onun kendisini Ehl-i Sünnet içerisinde kabul etmesine karşın herhangi bir kelâm ekolünü takip etmemesi ve zaman zaman Mu‘tezile’nin görüşleri ile uyumlu fikirlere sahip olması özgünlüğünü göstermektedir.
In this article, the method used by Ibn Hazm (d. 456/1064), a Zahiri scholar, to prove Muhammad's (pbuh) prophethood is discussed. While proving the prophethood of Muhammad, he accepted his miracles and life as evidence. Ibn Hazm, who did not seek the condition of tahaddî (challenge) in miracle, did not accept the karamah and wanted to preserve the power of miracle in proof of prophethood. He says that although he considers miracle necessary to prove prophethood, Muhammad's unique life proved his prophethood in a way that leaves no need for any other evidence. It is noteworthy that Ibn Hazm used the proof of the sīra, which was not used much in kalam in the verification of prophethood during his time. In addition, the fact that he accepts himself within the Ahl al-Sunnah but does not follow any school of kalam and sometimes has ideas compatible with the views of Mu‘tazilah shows his originality.
Thesis Chapters by İbrahim Toprak

Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2010
Fıtratında sonsuzluk düşüncesi olan insanoğlunu ebedilik arzusu epeyce meşgul etmiş ve bu alanda ... more Fıtratında sonsuzluk düşüncesi olan insanoğlunu ebedilik arzusu epeyce meşgul etmiş ve bu alanda araştırma yapmaya sevk etmiştir. Nitekim cennet ile cehennemin kıyamet sonrası var olacağı hususunda problem yokken; şu anda mevcut olup olmadığı, Hz. Âdem'in konulduğu cennetinin ebediyet cenneti mi yoksa yeryüzünde bir bahçe mi olduğu hususlarına cevaplar aranmıştır. Bununla birlikte cennet ile cehennemin ebedi mi yoksa fani mi olduğu konusu sürekli tartışılmış ve ortaya farklı yorumlar çıkmıştır. Biz de tezimizde bu soruların doğru cevaplarını bulmaya gayret ettik. Çalışmamız giriş ve iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş kısmında ebedilik anlamı taşıyan, ebediliği çağrıştıran ve birlikte kullanıldıklarında da sonsuzluk vurgusu yapan kelimelerin dilbilimsel incelemesini yaptık. Birinci bölümde, Hz. Âdem'in yaratılıp konulduğu, sonra da çıkarıldığı cennetin ebediyet cenneti olup olmadığı hususunu ve cennet ile cehennemin şu anda yaratılmış olup olmadığı konusunu inceledik. Asıl konumuz olan cennet ile cehennemin ebediliğine ayırdığımız ikinci bölümde ise cennet ile cehennemin sonsuzluğu hakkındaki görüşlere yer verip, delilleri sıraladık ve son olarak da konu ile ilgili delilleri değerlendirmeye gayret ettik. Neticede Hz. Âdem'in konulduğu cennet ebediyet cennetidir. Cennet de cehennem de yaratılmıştır ve içindekilerle birlikte ebedidir, sonsuza dek var olacaklardır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Adem, Cennet, Cehennem, Ebediyet, Fanilik.
The eternal desire has made quite busy the human being that has eternity idea in his nature and has led to research in this area. Indeed, There is no problem on the issue that the hell and the heaven will be after the Doomsday. But the replies have been searched whether if the heaven that Prophet Adam was placed has been an eternity heaven or a garden on earth. However, it has been constantly argued whether if the heaven and the hell are forever or mortal thus different comments have came out. In our thesis, we have endeavored to find the correct answers of the questions.Our work consists of introduction and two sections. In the introduction, The linguistic analysis was done of the words which mean and remind the eternity and make the stress of eternity when used together. In the first section, it was diagnosed the heaven whether if the heaven was eternity heaven or not that Prophet Adam was created, placed and then was taken out. We also have examined the heaven and the hell have been created now or not. In the second section, which is separated for our actual topic, we have given place the opinions about the eternity of the hell and the heaven, have sorted the evidences and finally we have endeavored to evaluate the evidences.Eventually, the Heaven where Prophet Adam was placed is an eternity heaven. Both the Heaven and The Hell have been created and both of them are forever with theirs in them. They will be forever.
Key Words: Prophet Adam, Heaven, Hell, Eternity,Transiency.

Doktora Tezi, 2020
Bu çalışmada Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) fiziki ve ahlâkî özelliklerinin nübüvvetine delil oluşu ele al... more Bu çalışmada Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) fiziki ve ahlâkî özelliklerinin nübüvvetine delil oluşu ele alınmıştır. Kelâm’da nübüvvetin ispatında genellikle mucizelerden hareket edilmiştir. Ancak Hz. Peygamber’in nübüvvetini kanıtlarken fizyonomisi ve üstün ahlâkî nitelikleri de gündeme gelmiş ve bilhassa müteahhir dönem kelâmında yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır.
Çalışma, giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişte çalışmanın konusu, amacı, yöntemi ve kaynakları açıklanmıştır. Birinci bölümünde kelâm ekollerinin, mutasavvıfların ve Müslüman filozofların, Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) sahip olduğu fiziki ve ahlâkî özelliklerin nübüvvetine delaletine dair düşüncelerine yer verilmiş, nübüvvetin ispatında mucize dışında delil kabul eden bilginlerin görüşleri ortaya konarak değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetine delil kabul edilen duyularına ait özellikler ile kokusu, teninin yumuşaklığı, boyunun uzun görünmesi, nübüvvet mührü, nûranî beyazlığı gibi bedenî özelliklerine dair hususlar ele alınarak bunların peygamberliği kanıtlamadaki durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü ve son bölümünde ise Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkî üstünlüklerine ve yaşantısına yer verilerek, bu özelliklerin onun nübüvvetini ispatlamadaki durumu açıklanmıştır. Hz. Peygamber’in doğru sözlü oluşu, güvenilirliği, zekiliği, her koşulda tebliğ görevine devam edişi, ismeti, merhameti, mütevazılığı, sabırlı oluşu, cesareti, hasbîliği, sade yaşantısı, yetkinleştirme gücü gibi özellikleri nübüvvetine delil olma bakımından ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından oryantalistlerin Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkına yönelik iddiaları kısaca değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Muhammed, Nübüvvetin İspatı, İnsanî Özellikler, Fizyonomi, Şemâil, Ahlâk.
In this study, the physical and moral characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as evidences for his prophethood are discussed. Miracles are generally used in the proof of prophethood in the Kalam. However, to prove the prophet Muhammad's prophethood, his physiognomy and superior moral qualities also discussed and were widely used, especially in the late period of kalam.
The study consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction, the subject, purpose, method and sources of the study are explained. In the first part, the thoughts of the schools of kalam, Sufis and Islamic philosophers regarding the physical and moral characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad being evidences of his prophethood are included. In addition, the views of scholars who adopt evidence besides miracles as the proof of prophethood are presented and evaluated. In the second part, the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad’s senses, which are accepted as evidence for his prophethood, and his physical characteristics such as his odor, softness of his skin, his tall appearance, the seal of prophethood and his prophetic whiteness were discussed, then their status in proving prophethood was evaluated. In the third and last part of the study, the moral superiorities and life of the Prophet Muhammad are mentioned and suitability of these in proving his prophethood is explained. The qualities of the Prophet such as being truthful, reliable, intelligent, continuing his duty of preaching under all circumstances, his integrity, mercy, modesty, patience, courage, altruism, simple life, and his capacity to make up for the deficiencies were discussed and evaluated in terms of being evidences of his prophethood. Then, the orientalists' claims against the morality of the Prophet Muhammad were briefly evaluated.
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Prophethood, Humanitarian Qualities, Physiognomy, Shamail, Morality.
Conference Presentations by İbrahim Toprak

Tebliğ Metni, 2020
In Islam, family is one of the most important elements in achieving the happiness of t... more Abstract
In Islam, family is one of the most important elements in achieving the happiness of the world and the hereafter. However, it is a well-known fact that marriages have been much shorter in recent years than before, and that less effort has been made to maintain the institution of marriage. It can be said that one of the important factors that leads to this negative situation is the decrease in individuals' commitment to their beliefs. Because the awareness that marriage is a sacred institution and that the nest should not be destroyed for simple reasons is very intense in people who depend on their religion, which is an important force for them to continue their togetherness as much as possible. Therefore, in order for marriage to continue on solid foundations, it is important that married individuals' adherence to religion is solid, and that the principles of faith are placed strongly in the minds. As a matter of fact, the fact that it has been determined that there is a strong link between faith and marital harmony supports our opinion. In this paper, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. In this study, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. It will be explained to God, the angels, the books, the prophets, the last day, and how believing in good deeds and evil is from God positively affects the lives of family members.
Keywords: Islam, Marriage, Protection of Family, Principles of Faith.
Books by İbrahim Toprak
Papers by İbrahim Toprak
Bu makalede, Zâhirî bir alim olan İbn Hazm’ın (v. 456/1064) Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetini kanıtlamada kullandığı yöntem ele alınmıştır. O, Hz. Peygamber’in nübüvvetini ispatlarken mucizelerini ve sîretini delil kabul etmiştir. Mucizede tehaddî (meydan okuma) şartı aramayan İbn Hazm, kerâmeti de kabul etmeyerek nübüvvetin ispatında mucizenin gücünü korumak istemiştir. O, mucizeyi nübüvvetin kanıtlanma-sında gerekli görmesine karşın bir yandan da Hz. Peygamber’in eşsiz yaşantısının, nübüvvetini başka hiçbir delile ihtiyaç bırakmayacak şekilde ispatladığını söyler. İbn Hazm’ın, dönemin kelâmında nübüvvetin doğrulanmasında pek fazla kullanılmayan sîret delilini kullanmış olması dikkate değerdir. Ayrıca onun kendisini Ehl-i Sünnet içerisinde kabul etmesine karşın herhangi bir kelâm ekolünü takip etmemesi ve zaman zaman Mu‘tezile’nin görüşleri ile uyumlu fikirlere sahip olması özgünlüğünü göstermektedir.
In this article, the method used by Ibn Hazm (d. 456/1064), a Zahiri scholar, to prove Muhammad's (pbuh) prophethood is discussed. While proving the prophethood of Muhammad, he accepted his miracles and life as evidence. Ibn Hazm, who did not seek the condition of tahaddî (challenge) in miracle, did not accept the karamah and wanted to preserve the power of miracle in proof of prophethood. He says that although he considers miracle necessary to prove prophethood, Muhammad's unique life proved his prophethood in a way that leaves no need for any other evidence. It is noteworthy that Ibn Hazm used the proof of the sīra, which was not used much in kalam in the verification of prophethood during his time. In addition, the fact that he accepts himself within the Ahl al-Sunnah but does not follow any school of kalam and sometimes has ideas compatible with the views of Mu‘tazilah shows his originality.
Thesis Chapters by İbrahim Toprak
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Adem, Cennet, Cehennem, Ebediyet, Fanilik.
The eternal desire has made quite busy the human being that has eternity idea in his nature and has led to research in this area. Indeed, There is no problem on the issue that the hell and the heaven will be after the Doomsday. But the replies have been searched whether if the heaven that Prophet Adam was placed has been an eternity heaven or a garden on earth. However, it has been constantly argued whether if the heaven and the hell are forever or mortal thus different comments have came out. In our thesis, we have endeavored to find the correct answers of the questions.Our work consists of introduction and two sections. In the introduction, The linguistic analysis was done of the words which mean and remind the eternity and make the stress of eternity when used together. In the first section, it was diagnosed the heaven whether if the heaven was eternity heaven or not that Prophet Adam was created, placed and then was taken out. We also have examined the heaven and the hell have been created now or not. In the second section, which is separated for our actual topic, we have given place the opinions about the eternity of the hell and the heaven, have sorted the evidences and finally we have endeavored to evaluate the evidences.Eventually, the Heaven where Prophet Adam was placed is an eternity heaven. Both the Heaven and The Hell have been created and both of them are forever with theirs in them. They will be forever.
Key Words: Prophet Adam, Heaven, Hell, Eternity,Transiency.
Çalışma, giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişte çalışmanın konusu, amacı, yöntemi ve kaynakları açıklanmıştır. Birinci bölümünde kelâm ekollerinin, mutasavvıfların ve Müslüman filozofların, Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) sahip olduğu fiziki ve ahlâkî özelliklerin nübüvvetine delaletine dair düşüncelerine yer verilmiş, nübüvvetin ispatında mucize dışında delil kabul eden bilginlerin görüşleri ortaya konarak değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetine delil kabul edilen duyularına ait özellikler ile kokusu, teninin yumuşaklığı, boyunun uzun görünmesi, nübüvvet mührü, nûranî beyazlığı gibi bedenî özelliklerine dair hususlar ele alınarak bunların peygamberliği kanıtlamadaki durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü ve son bölümünde ise Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkî üstünlüklerine ve yaşantısına yer verilerek, bu özelliklerin onun nübüvvetini ispatlamadaki durumu açıklanmıştır. Hz. Peygamber’in doğru sözlü oluşu, güvenilirliği, zekiliği, her koşulda tebliğ görevine devam edişi, ismeti, merhameti, mütevazılığı, sabırlı oluşu, cesareti, hasbîliği, sade yaşantısı, yetkinleştirme gücü gibi özellikleri nübüvvetine delil olma bakımından ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından oryantalistlerin Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkına yönelik iddiaları kısaca değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Muhammed, Nübüvvetin İspatı, İnsanî Özellikler, Fizyonomi, Şemâil, Ahlâk.
In this study, the physical and moral characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as evidences for his prophethood are discussed. Miracles are generally used in the proof of prophethood in the Kalam. However, to prove the prophet Muhammad's prophethood, his physiognomy and superior moral qualities also discussed and were widely used, especially in the late period of kalam.
The study consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction, the subject, purpose, method and sources of the study are explained. In the first part, the thoughts of the schools of kalam, Sufis and Islamic philosophers regarding the physical and moral characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad being evidences of his prophethood are included. In addition, the views of scholars who adopt evidence besides miracles as the proof of prophethood are presented and evaluated. In the second part, the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad’s senses, which are accepted as evidence for his prophethood, and his physical characteristics such as his odor, softness of his skin, his tall appearance, the seal of prophethood and his prophetic whiteness were discussed, then their status in proving prophethood was evaluated. In the third and last part of the study, the moral superiorities and life of the Prophet Muhammad are mentioned and suitability of these in proving his prophethood is explained. The qualities of the Prophet such as being truthful, reliable, intelligent, continuing his duty of preaching under all circumstances, his integrity, mercy, modesty, patience, courage, altruism, simple life, and his capacity to make up for the deficiencies were discussed and evaluated in terms of being evidences of his prophethood. Then, the orientalists' claims against the morality of the Prophet Muhammad were briefly evaluated.
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Prophethood, Humanitarian Qualities, Physiognomy, Shamail, Morality.
Conference Presentations by İbrahim Toprak
In Islam, family is one of the most important elements in achieving the happiness of the world and the hereafter. However, it is a well-known fact that marriages have been much shorter in recent years than before, and that less effort has been made to maintain the institution of marriage. It can be said that one of the important factors that leads to this negative situation is the decrease in individuals' commitment to their beliefs. Because the awareness that marriage is a sacred institution and that the nest should not be destroyed for simple reasons is very intense in people who depend on their religion, which is an important force for them to continue their togetherness as much as possible. Therefore, in order for marriage to continue on solid foundations, it is important that married individuals' adherence to religion is solid, and that the principles of faith are placed strongly in the minds. As a matter of fact, the fact that it has been determined that there is a strong link between faith and marital harmony supports our opinion. In this paper, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. In this study, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. It will be explained to God, the angels, the books, the prophets, the last day, and how believing in good deeds and evil is from God positively affects the lives of family members.
Keywords: Islam, Marriage, Protection of Family, Principles of Faith.
Books by İbrahim Toprak
Bu makalede, Zâhirî bir alim olan İbn Hazm’ın (v. 456/1064) Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetini kanıtlamada kullandığı yöntem ele alınmıştır. O, Hz. Peygamber’in nübüvvetini ispatlarken mucizelerini ve sîretini delil kabul etmiştir. Mucizede tehaddî (meydan okuma) şartı aramayan İbn Hazm, kerâmeti de kabul etmeyerek nübüvvetin ispatında mucizenin gücünü korumak istemiştir. O, mucizeyi nübüvvetin kanıtlanma-sında gerekli görmesine karşın bir yandan da Hz. Peygamber’in eşsiz yaşantısının, nübüvvetini başka hiçbir delile ihtiyaç bırakmayacak şekilde ispatladığını söyler. İbn Hazm’ın, dönemin kelâmında nübüvvetin doğrulanmasında pek fazla kullanılmayan sîret delilini kullanmış olması dikkate değerdir. Ayrıca onun kendisini Ehl-i Sünnet içerisinde kabul etmesine karşın herhangi bir kelâm ekolünü takip etmemesi ve zaman zaman Mu‘tezile’nin görüşleri ile uyumlu fikirlere sahip olması özgünlüğünü göstermektedir.
In this article, the method used by Ibn Hazm (d. 456/1064), a Zahiri scholar, to prove Muhammad's (pbuh) prophethood is discussed. While proving the prophethood of Muhammad, he accepted his miracles and life as evidence. Ibn Hazm, who did not seek the condition of tahaddî (challenge) in miracle, did not accept the karamah and wanted to preserve the power of miracle in proof of prophethood. He says that although he considers miracle necessary to prove prophethood, Muhammad's unique life proved his prophethood in a way that leaves no need for any other evidence. It is noteworthy that Ibn Hazm used the proof of the sīra, which was not used much in kalam in the verification of prophethood during his time. In addition, the fact that he accepts himself within the Ahl al-Sunnah but does not follow any school of kalam and sometimes has ideas compatible with the views of Mu‘tazilah shows his originality.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Adem, Cennet, Cehennem, Ebediyet, Fanilik.
The eternal desire has made quite busy the human being that has eternity idea in his nature and has led to research in this area. Indeed, There is no problem on the issue that the hell and the heaven will be after the Doomsday. But the replies have been searched whether if the heaven that Prophet Adam was placed has been an eternity heaven or a garden on earth. However, it has been constantly argued whether if the heaven and the hell are forever or mortal thus different comments have came out. In our thesis, we have endeavored to find the correct answers of the questions.Our work consists of introduction and two sections. In the introduction, The linguistic analysis was done of the words which mean and remind the eternity and make the stress of eternity when used together. In the first section, it was diagnosed the heaven whether if the heaven was eternity heaven or not that Prophet Adam was created, placed and then was taken out. We also have examined the heaven and the hell have been created now or not. In the second section, which is separated for our actual topic, we have given place the opinions about the eternity of the hell and the heaven, have sorted the evidences and finally we have endeavored to evaluate the evidences.Eventually, the Heaven where Prophet Adam was placed is an eternity heaven. Both the Heaven and The Hell have been created and both of them are forever with theirs in them. They will be forever.
Key Words: Prophet Adam, Heaven, Hell, Eternity,Transiency.
Çalışma, giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişte çalışmanın konusu, amacı, yöntemi ve kaynakları açıklanmıştır. Birinci bölümünde kelâm ekollerinin, mutasavvıfların ve Müslüman filozofların, Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) sahip olduğu fiziki ve ahlâkî özelliklerin nübüvvetine delaletine dair düşüncelerine yer verilmiş, nübüvvetin ispatında mucize dışında delil kabul eden bilginlerin görüşleri ortaya konarak değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci bölümde öncelikle Hz. Muhammed’in (sav) nübüvvetine delil kabul edilen duyularına ait özellikler ile kokusu, teninin yumuşaklığı, boyunun uzun görünmesi, nübüvvet mührü, nûranî beyazlığı gibi bedenî özelliklerine dair hususlar ele alınarak bunların peygamberliği kanıtlamadaki durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü ve son bölümünde ise Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkî üstünlüklerine ve yaşantısına yer verilerek, bu özelliklerin onun nübüvvetini ispatlamadaki durumu açıklanmıştır. Hz. Peygamber’in doğru sözlü oluşu, güvenilirliği, zekiliği, her koşulda tebliğ görevine devam edişi, ismeti, merhameti, mütevazılığı, sabırlı oluşu, cesareti, hasbîliği, sade yaşantısı, yetkinleştirme gücü gibi özellikleri nübüvvetine delil olma bakımından ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından oryantalistlerin Hz. Peygamber’in ahlâkına yönelik iddiaları kısaca değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hz. Muhammed, Nübüvvetin İspatı, İnsanî Özellikler, Fizyonomi, Şemâil, Ahlâk.
In this study, the physical and moral characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as evidences for his prophethood are discussed. Miracles are generally used in the proof of prophethood in the Kalam. However, to prove the prophet Muhammad's prophethood, his physiognomy and superior moral qualities also discussed and were widely used, especially in the late period of kalam.
The study consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction, the subject, purpose, method and sources of the study are explained. In the first part, the thoughts of the schools of kalam, Sufis and Islamic philosophers regarding the physical and moral characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad being evidences of his prophethood are included. In addition, the views of scholars who adopt evidence besides miracles as the proof of prophethood are presented and evaluated. In the second part, the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad’s senses, which are accepted as evidence for his prophethood, and his physical characteristics such as his odor, softness of his skin, his tall appearance, the seal of prophethood and his prophetic whiteness were discussed, then their status in proving prophethood was evaluated. In the third and last part of the study, the moral superiorities and life of the Prophet Muhammad are mentioned and suitability of these in proving his prophethood is explained. The qualities of the Prophet such as being truthful, reliable, intelligent, continuing his duty of preaching under all circumstances, his integrity, mercy, modesty, patience, courage, altruism, simple life, and his capacity to make up for the deficiencies were discussed and evaluated in terms of being evidences of his prophethood. Then, the orientalists' claims against the morality of the Prophet Muhammad were briefly evaluated.
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Prophethood, Humanitarian Qualities, Physiognomy, Shamail, Morality.
In Islam, family is one of the most important elements in achieving the happiness of the world and the hereafter. However, it is a well-known fact that marriages have been much shorter in recent years than before, and that less effort has been made to maintain the institution of marriage. It can be said that one of the important factors that leads to this negative situation is the decrease in individuals' commitment to their beliefs. Because the awareness that marriage is a sacred institution and that the nest should not be destroyed for simple reasons is very intense in people who depend on their religion, which is an important force for them to continue their togetherness as much as possible. Therefore, in order for marriage to continue on solid foundations, it is important that married individuals' adherence to religion is solid, and that the principles of faith are placed strongly in the minds. As a matter of fact, the fact that it has been determined that there is a strong link between faith and marital harmony supports our opinion. In this paper, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. In this study, the importance and function of Islamic belief principles in ensuring the continuity of the family will be revealed. It will be explained to God, the angels, the books, the prophets, the last day, and how believing in good deeds and evil is from God positively affects the lives of family members.
Keywords: Islam, Marriage, Protection of Family, Principles of Faith.