Papers by Marcelo Azambuja
Proc. Eleventh Annual Conference of the …, Jan 1, 2003
The application of supply chain management concepts has been investigated as a possible alternati... more The application of supply chain management concepts has been investigated as a possible alternative to develop solutions to some of the existing problems and to the introduction of improvements in the construction sector. This paper aims to propose guidelines to improve the process of design, procurement and installation of elevators, using supply chain management concepts. The research method was divided into three major stages. Initially, the elevator supply chain processes and their main problems were described in general terms, based on a literature review and also on interviews with architects, production managers, and experts in construction management. In the second stage, a case study on the relationship between the supply chain agents in the City of Porto Alegre was carried out, aiming to identify problems in the material and information flows. That involved interviews with elevator manufacturers and installers, visits to construction sites, the analysis of documents, and also a survey with elevator users. Finally, a number of guidelines for improving the process under investigation were proposed. Among the main conclusions of the study, there were problems related to the co-operation practices adopted, and to the lack of coordination and integration of material and information flows between agents, indicating that there is an opportunity to apply supply chain management concepts for improving the processes that were investigated.
Proceedings of the 14th Annual …, Jan 1, 2006
Most causes of the inefficiency in construction supply chains are related to managerial issues, i... more Most causes of the inefficiency in construction supply chains are related to managerial issues, including the poor management of commitments among their members and the lack of integration of managerial processes along the chain. This paper discusses those problems in two case studies carried out in the building elevator and cut and bend rebar supply chains. As in many of construction supply chains, both configurations are characterized by their maketo-order nature, the delivery of customized products to their customers and by having their production based on final design specifications. Focusing on the flow of information along the supply chain, the objective of this paper is to assess how the integration of these make-toorder supply chains' processes is affected by the way commitments among chain members are coordinated. By undertaking a detailed description of both supply chains' processes and analyzing their existing problems, the study shows that a major part of them are related to the poor integration of the information flows. The Language Action Perspective (LAP) was used to provide an additional approach for analysis, emphasizing the commitments involved in the information sharing among supply chain agents. The LAP analysis revealed that the root cause of those problems relies mainly on the poor management of commitments among supply chain members. Moreover, many of the problems could be avoided by explicitly planning the flow of commitments that are made necessary by inter-organizational processes as well as by organization's internal processes. The adoption of the LAP and the focus on the flow of commitments may support the understanding of make-to-order supply chains integration problems as well as suggest actions towards the integration of their processes.
Computing in Civil Engineering ( …
Procurement of long lead engineered equipment is a complex process which requires the evaluation ... more Procurement of long lead engineered equipment is a complex process which requires the evaluation of several suppliers and project targets. This analysis is usually performed manually, takes long time and certain tradeoffs may be overlooked. This paper describes the development of a ...
The computerised system is being developed to predict the consequences of accidental releases of ... more The computerised system is being developed to predict the consequences of accidental releases of radioactive material to the hydrosphere from the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Bohunice, Slovak Republic, and to support the post-accident countermeasures. The aquatic system influenced by the NPP hydrological system includes the Vah River, a tributary of the Danube River, its Kralova reservoir and a small river Dudvah, a tributary of the Vah. The software system is developed on the basis of PC versions of the computer codes RIVTOX and COASTOX with special graphical user interfaces. The one-dimensional river model RIVTOX describes dynamics of cross-sectionally averaged concentrations in the Dudvah River and Vah River system. The twodimensional model COASTOX is used to simulate depth averaged radionuclides transport and deposition in bottom sediments of the Kralova Reservoir. The possibilities of finding operational modes of hydraulic management of this aquatic system to decrease radionuclide concentration during an accidental release are analysed.
… Research Board 87th …, Jan 1, 2008
Timely delivery of the Right-of-Way (R/W) acquisition and utility adjustment necessary for constr... more Timely delivery of the Right-of-Way (R/W) acquisition and utility adjustment necessary for construction has been recognized as one of the preconstruction activities that is significant to state departments of transportation in the United States. Delays or conflicts caused by these activities can ...
Investigation of Supply Chain Management Practices in Industrial Projects: State of Practice vs. ... more Investigation of Supply Chain Management Practices in Industrial Projects: State of Practice vs. State of Knowledge. [ASCE Conference Proceedings 339, 27 (2009)]. Marcelo M. Azambuja, William J. O'Brien. Abstract. This paper ...
Muitas perdas que ocorrem na construção civil originam-se forados canteiros de obras,nas etapas q... more Muitas perdas que ocorrem na construção civil originam-se forados canteiros de obras,nas etapas que antecedem a produção, principalmente devido a problemas de caráter gerencial, relacionados à falta de integração entre os principais intervenientes. Neste contexto,a aplicação dos ...
Ambiente Construído, Jan 1, 2008
O presente artigo propõe diretrizes para a melhoria dos processos de projeto, aquisição e instala... more O presente artigo propõe diretrizes para a melhoria dos processos de projeto, aquisição e instalação de elevadores utilizando conceitos de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. A pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma caracterização inicial dos processos e problemas existentes, compreendendo uma revisão bibliográfica e a aplicação de entrevistas com arquitetos, engenheiros e especialistas em construção civil. Na segunda etapa foi realizado um estudo de caso do relacionamento dos agentes da cadeia, de forma a detalhar os fluxos de materiais e informações entre os mesmos. Assim, foram realizadas entrevistas com fabricantes e montadores de elevadores, visitas em canteiros de obras, análise de documentos e um levantamento de percepções com usuários finais de elevadores. Finalmente, os dados foram analisados visando propor melhorias nos processos estudados. Problemas relacionados às práticas de cooperação, à falta de integração e coordenação dos fluxos de materiais e informações entre os agentes indicam oportunidades para a aplicação dos conceitos na melhoria dos processos.
AZAMBUJA M.Sc., Eng., Pesquisador do Núcleo Orientado para a Inovação na Construção (NORIE) da UF... more AZAMBUJA M.Sc., Eng., Pesquisador do Núcleo Orientado para a Inovação na Construção (NORIE) da UFRGS. Av. Osvaldo Aranha, n° 99, 3 0 andar, CEP 90035-190 Porto Alegre (RS) Brasil -Correio eletrônico: Carlos Torres FORMOSO Ph.D., Eng., Professor da UFRGS, PPGEC-Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil. Av. Osvaldo Aranha, n° 99, 3 0 andar, CEP 90035-190 Porto Alegre (RS) Brasil -Correio eletrônico:
PPGEC/UFRGS) Carlos Torres Formoso (PPGEC/UFRGS) R... more PPGEC/UFRGS) Carlos Torres Formoso (PPGEC/UFRGS) Resumo A aplicação dos conceitos da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos tem sido estudada como uma possível alternativa para a solução de problemas e introdução de melhorias na indústria da construção civil. O presente artigo consiste em propor diretrizes para a melhoria dos processos de projeto, aquisição e instalação de elevadores, tendo como base os conceitos de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. O método de pesquisa foi dividido em três etapas. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma caracterização inicial dos processos e problemas existentes no setor, compreendendo uma revisão bibliográfica e a aplicação de entrevistas. Na segunda etapa foi realizado um estudo de caso do relacionamento dos agentes da cadeia no município de Porto Alegre, de forma a realizar um diagnóstico dos fluxos de materiais e informações entre os mesmos. Finalmente, as diretrizes para a melhoria dos processos estudados foram propostas. Entre as principais conclusões, constatou-se problemas relacionados às práticas de cooperação, à falta de integração e coordenação dos fluxos de materiais e informações entre os agentes, indicando uma oportunidade para a aplicação de conceitos da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos na melhoria dos processos estudados. Palavras-chave: Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos, Integração de processos, Elevadores 1 Introdução
Papers by Marcelo Azambuja