
77 Pins
Check out this passage in London Heathrow Airport! What a beautiful perspective and example of using light to really bring out form. The inground uplighters on the tight highlights the form of the curve, creating a beautiful flow of light on the curved ceiling. The key here is the interior architecture stands out with the fittings (being inground ) fading into the background. Its what makes lighting like this so effective. Interesting feature, eh?
Luce Fuori
The Empire of Light by Magritte represents everything we need to know whenever we take a light outdoors. Daylight and night-time light live side by side: it embodies all the fundamental states of light. #lucefuori #outdoorlight #davidegroppi
The University of Birmingham – The Green Heart by Churchman Thornhill Finch
The University of Birmingham – The Green Heart by Churchman Thornhill Finch « Landscape Architecture Platform | Landezine
Einbauleuchten für Wände und Treppenanlagen · BEGA
Einbauleuchten für Wände und Treppenanlagen · BEGA