
12 Pins
The children's Longfellow, illustrated : Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The children's Longfellow, illustrated
Last Breath
Why must you chop the trees down? What did they ever do to you? Who do you think provides you with oxygen? Filters the air we wantonly pollute? Are you really in need of more concrete? Is it essential to have that designer shed? What do you think our planet will look like When all our wildlife’s dead? Where will all the birds nest? How will the animals hide from man? ... #trees #poetry #poem #nature #deforestation #wildlife #animals #birds #planet #oxygen #earth #destruction
Emily Dickinson Hope is the Thing With Feathers Poetry Art, Wall Decor, Literary Quote, Poem Poster, Quote Print, Poem Art, Gifts for Her - Etsy
Emily Dickinson Poem Hope is the thing with by Riverwaystudios