Garden beds design

49 Pins
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
4,563 likes, 51 comments - mindfulfarmerarkansas on June 23, 2023: "The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and fermenting/pickling. To maximize my yield, space, and fruit quality I trellis my plants upwards. The umbrella method allows me to get fruit earlier by hard pruning the cucumber vine to a single leader until it reaches the top of the trellis. This way, the plant is focusing on fruit production
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
Sean Pessarra | The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and… | Instagram
81K views · 4.5K likes | Sean Pessarra on Instagram: "The umbrella method is my go to way of trellising cucumbers. I prefer thin-skinned seedless varieties of cucumbers for both slicing and fermenting/pickling. To maximize my yield, space, and fruit quality I trellis my plants upwards. The umbrella method allows me to get fruit earlier by hard pruning the cucumber vine to a single leader until it reaches the top of the trellis. This way, the plant is focusing on fruit production in the early part of the season, rather than producing a bunch of vines and leaves. Once the vine grows up and over the top of the trellis, I stop all pruning and training and let additional vines grow and cascade down like an umbrella. This places the majority of the fruit production up high, which helps me keep
This may contain: a man wearing a straw hat and holding up a tomato plant with the words cheap and easy tomato trellis diy
Cheap and Easy Tomato Trellis DIY
Difficulty: Easy A trellis is simply a structure that supports a fruiting or flowering plant while it grows. Using a trellis can ensure that your crops off the ground to keep pests at bay, prevents fruit from rotting or breaking off, and increases your usable garden space. This method for trellising tomatoes is inexpensive and easy, requiring only a few simple tools that you probably already have lying around your garden. See the description for more details and be sure to save this for your next growing season! This cheap and easy DIY tomato trellis will help your tomatoes grow better fruit. Using supplies you probably already have around your garden, this trellis comes together quickly. Keep in mind that you will have to prune off any suckers as they emerge, but you'll get an earlier h
Easy way to protect your vegetables 🙋🏻‍♂️🎥🎬✌🏻🤩
This Garden Type is really great, espacially if you don’t have a lot of money or space! Try it out and see for yourself!🌿🍴 #GardenInspiration Credit: fishermans.woodshop
No more wasting your time and labor in watering.Our Automatic Irrigation System can help you save up to 70% water. At the same time, it helps you keep healthy and lush plants with low water usage.When sprayer irrigation watering is directed to the root of the plant, it reduces most of the evaporation. Automatic irrigation kit is great for atomization, lawn irrigation, patios, gardens, vegetable irrigation, roof cooling, irrigation ,agriculture, vegetable , greenhouse, flower bed,
How to build a DIY cucumber trellis | growing cucumbers up to save space
How to build a DIY cucumber trellis | growing cucumbers up to save space - YouTube