
48 Pins
Google-Ergebnis für https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/005/561/614/non_2x/hippo-cartoon-clipart-illustration-free-vector.jpg
Hippo Commission
A little purple hippo commissioned for a little boy who loves them! 13" x 10". Glass mosaic on cement substrate with hand-colored grout.
Google-Ergebnis für https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/013/530/824/small_2x/cute-baby-hippo-kawaii-hippopotamus-sitting-vector.jpg
Hippo, Hippo Art, Hippopotamus Art, Painted Stained Glass Hippo, Hippo Print, Hernando the Stained Glass Hippo Print - Etsy
this is just too cool