DIY headboard

28 Pins
Tutorial: DIY Upholstered Headboard | Hip Chick Digs
headboard - Plywood, Foam, Cotton Batting, Fabric of your choice!
The Easiest DIY Headboard | Young House Love
DIY Headboard + Custom Bookshelf = Cozy Built-in Kids Bed | Young House Love
How to Make a Stylish Upholstered Headboard Out of Pool Noodles
If you've ever shopped for furniture you know things can add up pretty quickly! My best friend recently purchased her first home and wanted to move in with some fresh pieces. We found an upholstered headboard online for $800!! Yikes! After looking at it for a bit, I decided to spend a few bucks and try to make it myself We picked up some hardboard from Lowes and had it cut to her desired size (totally up to you). We then hit the swimming aisle of Target and got 20 thick pool noodles.
Big Girl Room: Tutorial on a headboard update
Headboard construction |