Monday prayer with bible verse

These Monday prayers with Bible verses can serve as a source of encouragement as you seek to deepen your faith. Whether you are seeking motivational Monday bible verses, Monday prayer with bible verses, or prayer and bible verses to start your day, bible verses for encouragement can provide the spiritual nourishment you need. #Bibleversegoodmorning #goodmorningMondaybibleverseblessings #happymondaybibleverse, #mondayprayerwithbible verse #morningbibleversetostartyourday
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Motivational bible verse
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Motivational Monday bible verse
Reflect, today, upon this powerful promise that our Lord gave to His disciples and to us. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Open yourself to the Spirit’s ongoing direction in your life and never allow fear to lead to confusion. Instead, allow God to dispel all confusion and to remind you of all that He has spoken to you throughout your life.
Food for Eternity
My most glorious Lord, You are the Food that is eternal. You are the Food for everlasting life. Give me the wisdom I need, dear Lord, to turn my eyes from the passing and least important things of this world and to turn, instead, to that which is eternal. May I keep my eyes upon You and be nourished by my faith in You. Jesus, I trust in You. motivational monday bible verse, monday bible verse good morning, good morning monday bible verse blessings, happy monday bible verse.
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Monday Motivational Bible Verse
Let it be done
How does this Bible verse speak to you? motivational Bible verse