Lisa Keefauver
The truth is, there is no one right answer to the question. And perhaps that isn't even the best question to ask yourself. Instead of moving through this holiday season on autopilot, keeping busy, or focusing heavily on creating a holiday season that the other people in your life are expecting, you might create some sacred space for yourself and ask: What do I need to NOT DO in order to nourish my grieving self? Visit for grief support this holiday season.
Searching and Yearning in Grief - What's Your Grief
This Is What Social Isolation Looks Like
5 Stages of Grief & How to Survive Them | Love Lives On
Learn more about what to expect in the denial stage of grief by reading these helpful case studies.
5 Stages of Grief & How to Survive Them | Love Lives On
This grief quote beautifully expresses the hard realities of living with grief.
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Quotes about grief are especially helpful. Grief often has people at a loss for words, and when we can't explain, express, or communicate how we feel about something, it makes us feel alone. But then we stumble on a relatable grief quote and BAM, we realize we're not the only one. #griefquotes #quotes #grief #griefandloss #griefandlossquotes
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A sweet voice gently asks, what is grief? How do you explain it to people? It was a complicated question with a complex answer, varying with each journey and each experience. Grief is loss and heartbreak. It’s a constant longing. Grief is crafted by love and built by beauty. It’s an appreciation for what once was. Grief is ache and anger. It’s harboring unrecognizable emotions and unwanted fears. Grief is unpredictable and consuming. It’s an unwanted companion, always with you. Grief is ...
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