Gym Training Guides and Workout Plans

Want to take up a strength or weight-lifting program, but don't know where to start? Here are the basic & advanced guidelines, rules, and easy-to-follow workouts. ins and outs of the gym, the essentials of strength, and how to get stronger, healthier, and more motivated than ever!
40 Pins
The 8 Most Effective No Equipment Moves for Fat Loss -
No Equipment? No Problem! Here we have a fantastic selection of exercises for you to do at home or the gym! These eight exercises make up one workout or, you can introduce them into your original one! This is a great and effective way to lose weight and l
The Four-Week Lean Muscle Workout Plan To Shock Your Body Into Burning Fat And Building Lean Muscle -
Moderate reps have shown to be best in eliciting increases in muscle hypertrophy with ranges of approx. 6–12reps considered the sweet spot for optimising the hypertrophic response with loads equivalent to 70-85%1RM . Though mechanical tension is a key driver of hypertrophy, by taking long rest periods (as above) you will compromise metabolic fatigue which is another key driver of hypertrophy. As a result, moderate rest intervals of 60-90s appear to provide a satisfactory compromise.
German Volume Training Method With 6 Weeks Training Program -
When you need more training volume, there's a few simple ways to implement them into your workout. Here's ways I like to go about it.-(1) SUPERSETS: This is simply where you perform 2 exercises one right after the other without rest. This is very efficient, and can allow you to possibly get a few extra exercises in each session without taking up more time.-(2) GIANT SETS: These are supersets on steroids. The same benefits apply, only this time instead of 2 exercises one right after the other,
How To Create Monster Muscle Mass For Your Chest In Just 28 Days -
If you're boring and don't want to experience truly massive gains, feel free to rep through endless standard bench press sets until your back fuses with the bench. You might get better at that one exercise — but you're spurning all of the potential benefits that other moves could offer. For the rest of us, there's an entire treasure trove full of workout moves to be uncovered to blast the chest that can sculpt your pecs and push your upper body training days to the next level.
8 Powerful Muscle Building Gym Training Splits -
Specialisation training can be a great tool to bring up your lagging body parts, but many people take the wrong approach. -They think that they have to train that body part every day, and act like no other body parts matter, doing that will only push you further away from the body you want.- when doing specialisation training, you don't want to train your lagging body part every day. If you do, it'll never get a chance to recover, and won't grow. Training it 3-4x/week will suffice.
Cluster Sets Training Method For Mass And Strength -
Why is it “per week” instead of “per workout?”-Basically, this is the optimal total weekly amount of volume you should use for each muscle group and body part.In order to break it down in terms of what you need to do each workout, you must apply this optimal volume range to your chosen weight training frequency.Meaning, the exact amount of sets and reps you should do each workout depends on whether you will be training each muscle group/body part once, twice or 3 times per week
The Importance of Stretching To Boost Muscle Recovery and Flexibility -
If you aren't recovering from your workouts, you won't able to put up a good performance and progress in your training. If your training lacks progress, you'll have a hard time gaining muscle and strength. This is why prioritising recovery is important. The key factors of recovery are your nutrition and sleep/stress management. Mostly these 2 factors determine how much training you can handle. When it comes to nutrition, simply having a varied and balanced diet seems to be key.
Glutes Workout & Exercises for Women - 5 Moves That Seriously Lift Your Butt -
Lift and tone your butt with the Brazilian butt workout, these exercises will leave your butt, not only toned, but round and lifted! There's no secret to a perfect booty, it's just hard work and dedication. This Brazilian butt workout is all you need to g
How Can You Achieve A Flat Stomach In Just 4 Weeks? By Trying This Workout At Home -
Say it like a mantra: your stomach is more than your abs. While the six-pack may be the star of the show, it's your other core muscles -- the obliques and transverse abdominis. For faster toning, hit your core from all sides through workouts and healthy eating. You'll start with two reliable standards. You'll then challenge your body with variations that target your entire core. Perform cardio and integrate a bloat-busting diet, and you'll see noticeable tummy subtraction in four weeks.
6 Great Moves To Firm Your Booty And Boost Your Confidence In The Gym -
Who doesn’t want a good butt? No matter your age, a good butt is important — and not just so you can look great in jeans. Strong glutes play a bigger role in your fitness level than you probably realise. Want a strong, sexy booty? Here are some great moves for toning and strengthening the bum. Add this routine to your workout once or twice a week. Your glute and leg muscles are the biggest muscles in your body. Having a powerhouse lower body will improve your performance during your workout
Push/Pull/Legs Weight Training Workout Schedule For 7 Days -
I started following this push/pull/legs split a few months ago, and have pretty much stuck with it ever since. I start each of these workouts with 1-2 strength movements (using the 4-8 rep range), then shift into more hypertrophy-based movements (using cl
13 of the Best Obliques Exercises To Compliment Your Abs For A Smoking Hot Body -
Knowing you've got an ab workout waiting for you can give anybody a case of the sweat sesh scaries. But with this three-minute routine, you can strenghten and sculpt your obliques in a mere 240 seconds. Training your obliques is crucial because these muscles—which run diagonally from your ribs to your pelvis—not only give you amazeballs abs, but also help prevent back injuries. (And did we mention that they give you those hot "V" muscles, too?)
The Best Fat Loss Workout For Guys To Shred Fat And Grow Muscle -
MUSCLE GAIN AND FAT LOSS -It can sometimes be complicated on how to properly train or eat when you're trying to either build muscle or lose fat. If you struggle to figure it out, take a look at this. This is a breakdown of the most important things to do nutrition and training wise.-For fat loss, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose fat. To find that number, take your BW (lbs) x 10-14. During a fat loss phase, your protein should be a bit higher to ensure the maintaining of muscle mass.
The 10 Best Warm-Up Stretch Exercises To Do Before Your Workout -
If you are not warming up before training, you are limiting both your safety and performance. After a light, 5-minute warm up on the treadmill, you begin stretching and mobilising to prepare yourself for the training session. You want to do only what is necessary and prepares you for the workout.Many upper body warm up movements involve warming up your shoulders and upper back muscles. This is especially important considering modern society's sedentary behaviour causing rounded shoulders.