Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American supernatural drama television series based on the 1992 film of the same name. It was created by Joss Whedon under his production tag, Mutant Enemy Productions, with later co-executive producers being Jane Espenson, David Fury, David Greenwalt, Doug Petrie, Marti Noxon, and David Solomon.
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i am ken(nedy)ough on Twitter
I freaking miss reading their cute, flirty moments in the comics (I neeeeeed to get the rest of the comics to read it!!!!!!!!) I’m gonna cry I’m so in love with their love.
i am ken(nedy)ough on Twitter
I freaking miss reading their cute, flirty moments in the comics I’m gonna cry I’m so in love with their
BtVS - Spuffy: Spike lips! Lips of Spike!
BtVS - Spuffy: Spike lips! Lips of Spike!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spoiler of the Day
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9
30+ Fantastic TV Fan Artworks in Vector | Envato Tuts+
Gorgeous Spike art! :D 30+ Fantastic TV Fan Artworks in Vector | Vectortuts+
#buffysummers #sarahmichellegellar #spike #spuffy #buffy #sunnydale #cimetery #vampyr #vampire #fan #buffyfan #night…
Alexander Harris by DavidDeb on DeviantArt
Alexander Harris by David DesBois [©2015-2016 daviddeb]