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Hoodoo Tip
Herbs acquired from an experienced hoodoo, nganga, or medicine man/woman are significantly different from herbs bought at the store. #hoodoo #hoodoopractitioner #hoodoogurus #spellwork #spellworker #layingtricks #orishas #divination #ancestralveneration #alchemy #medicinewoman #africantraditionalreligion #atr #conjure #conjureinkenya #conjurewoman #amakhosi
Lemongrass Magickal Uses
Ever wondered about the mystical powers that lie dormant in seemingly everyday plants? 🌿 Here's a revelation about one such plant you've likely encountered - Lemon Grass. This humble grass, known for its vibrant aroma, holds within it a world of magickal attributes! 🍋 If you've been intrigued by the esoteric, Lemon Grass might just open some fascinating doors for you.
Banishing Powder
Banishing Powder is a potent ally when you feel overwhelmed by negative energy, unwanted influences, or lingering negativity that disrupts your peace. This traditional blend draws on ancient wisdom, offering a tool for energetic cleansing and protection. It can be used to clear your space, banish harmful intentions, or create a shield against unwanted external forces. Whether you seek to break a lingering curse, remove a troublesome presence, or simply establish boundaries for your well-being, Banishing Powder offers a powerful means to reclaim your power and restore balance.
Three Witchy tips you should to know.
A glass of water with two tablespoons of salt in the corner of your bedroom absorbs negative energies in your home. Garlic and onion are the powerfull protective plants. Burn onion peel to remove negative energy from your home. And burn garlic peel for protection from evil eye sent towards you. Carry a cinnamon stick in your bag to attract a good luck and wealth.