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Ghibli | Reminder
Plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers. Why do we have to rely on others to do what we want? Why? We have got two hands, two legs, a proper functioning brain, and a body that works. So why? Why do we beg others to love us like this, like that and blah blah blah. Why don't we love ourselves the way we want to be loved. BE THE LOVE YOU NEVER RECEIVED. Love yourself and do things that make you feel good by yourself. Go on a solo date, pick up that hobby that you wanted to do when you were young. Go buy yourself that flowers whom you so longed that someone else would give that to you. Go purchase that dress which you thought looked good on you. Go purchase that book which you wanted to read for so long. GO!
❤️✔️ Could this be more apropos ... top gun glasses. Call names. Viperman/Vipermanswife 👌🏼
Where’d you go I Miss u so…
Sometimes the only memories we have are the ones that tear us apart