
16 Pins
geography / travel, Great Britain, Glasgow, Gorbal slums, 1960s, 60s, 20th century, historic, historical, Western Europe, Scotland, backyard, backyards, slum, slums, poor district, poor quarter, poor districts, poor quarters, misery, poverty, sadness, barracks, unadorned, crowded tenement building, Additional-Rights-Clearences-Not Available Stock Photo - Alamy
glasgow slums 1960s | geography / travel, Great Britain, Glasgow, Gorbal slums ...
Amphibians. More or less comfortable with both Fish and Mammals, but mostly disliked by both, they're probably a little clumsy on land too. Commonly green and brownish in color with no family group or names, usually land/water farmers and traders who hold fast to true friends and are feircely loyal.
how i draw horns [do not repost] by kinsae on DeviantArt
how i draw horns [do not repost] by kinsae
~+Sweety Tails, Colors, Markings Sheet+~ by PumpiikinPie on DeviantArt
How To Draw A Kirin, Drawing, Step by Step, by PuzzlePieces
draw horns - Google Search
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