Tumblr Writing-Prompt Stories

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Tumblr Thread Imagines Alien Invasion Being Fought Off By Wildlife
Adventuresofxyioandlee Follow Morning Poison Xylo had just finished making a fresh batch of poison to fill the Alpha Squadron's blow darts before they ieft to explore the hostile planet of Dran'dal. Made from a plant the humans had introduced them to, the substance was highly lethal if shot into one's bloodstream, or ingested. Xylo was about to pour the substance into darts when the ship's resident human wandered in. She had obviously been looking for something, and her eyes lit up when she saw the steaming liquid in the beaker in Xylo's hand. ”Yo, Xy. Can l have some of that?" Xylo went still and turned toward the human quizzically, but handed her the beaker. “Of course?" It came out sounding like more of a question than a statement, but the human had bonded with everyone on board the ship, so there was no risk of her doing something with lethal consequen- Xylo’s thoughts were cut off by alarm as the human raised the beaker to her lips and downed the contents. They scrambied for the comm at their hip, desperate to call a medic, but they knew it was already too iate. Still, somehow the human rushed towards them. “Xylo, what’s wrong?" Her forehead creased in concern, but not for herself, Xylo realized. She was concerned for them. They tried to keep their voice from shaking as they answered, “You just drank an entire batch of poison. How are you not dead?" A flash of confusion flashed across the human's face. before she started laughing. Xylo stared. They had long gotten used to the human habit of using signs of aggression as an indication they were happy or found something humorous, but there was nothing humorous about ingesting poison. “I'm sorry for scaring you," the human managed to say after they had calmed down. “But that's not poison, not to humans anyway. We call that coffee. A lot of us drink it every morning because the caffeine helps us stay awake” Xylo's blank stare slowly changed to shocked horror. “It‘s the caffeine that's poisonous. . fiearth IS space austraiia #humans are space orcs #advenlures of Xylo and iee > D º O _ - iFunny :)
Secrets of Dulce Underground Base 2017 – 2017
Everything Nerdy and Anything in Between - The Admin you know as Death of the Endless has finally gone to see Star Wars. I am grateful. Perhaps peace will return to my apartment. I leave you know, poor Internet Humans. Enjoy this last thing. I will neither confirm nor deny that is this how events totally played out. -Hiro (I am still not named after that kid from Big Hero 6...) | Facebook