
25 Pins
☀️LA DOUCEUR DE VIVRE Les jolis moment de l’été … - les après midi farniente sous les parasols - la cueillette des fleurs des champs - se rafraîchir au bord de la piscine - les boissons fraîches aux fruits infusés - les déjeuners en terrasse, à l’ombre des arbres … . . . #douceurdevivre #dolcevita #summerbucketlist #illustration #procreate #illustratrice #illustratricefrancaise #illustrationdolcevita #mestudiographic #todolist #summer #summervibes #citronnade #baignade #swimmingpool #...
When you surround yourself with friends who feel like home, you create a sanctuary of trust, understanding, and genuine connection. It's not about the quantity but the quality of friendships that truly matter. These are the bonds that withstand the test of time, distance, and trials, because they're built on the foundation of authenticity and mutual respect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FriendsLikeHome #FriendshipGoals #SoulConnection #TrueFriendship #CherishFriendships #HomeAwayFromHome #Kindr...