hair cut and dye ideas that make me feel so fruity

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🦋🍀🌷Chinese Luna Moth inspired hair 🌷🍀🦋 This color was tricky because we wanted it to last a little longer than two washes so we went REALLY bright. She doesn't come in super often to get her hair refreshed, and also wanted a little bit of a prismatic / rainbow feel so we combined that with a luna moth and we are pretty obsessed with the result! #atxhairsalon #newsalonaustin #haircutsatx #austinhair #smallbusinessowner #coloristatx #austintexashair #bughairstyle #austintxbugs #oughair #bug...
More videos in my ints/telegram! Link in profile
🧪 Formula breakdown: - Base: Cupid - Purple: Velvet + Clear - Blue: Blue Muse + Clear - Green: Area 51 + Clear - Orange: Satire + Nuclear + Clear Video description: The video starts with the artist removing plastic wrapping from her client’s hair. The artist then rinses the hair showing no color bleeding. The video transitions into the client’s hair fully styled and colored pink with a rainbow prism.
@briaunas_hair_repair (she/her) is the artist #PulpRiotSemis are the paint
🧪 Formula breakdown: - Base: Cupid - Purple: Velvet + Clear - Blue: Blue Muse + Clear - Green: Area 51 + Clear - Orange: Satire + Nuclear + Clear Video description: The video starts with the artist removing plastic wrapping from her client’s hair. The artist then rinses the hair showing no color bleeding. The video transitions into the client’s hair fully styled and colored pink with a rainbow prism.
Looking for a bold and daring hairstyle that will make heads turn? Look no further than this mesmerising video of a hairdresser creating a holographic effect with prism multicoloured hair dye.   This trendsetting look is perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd and embrace their individuality. With this step-by-step guide, you too can achieve this mesmerising 2023 hair trend and become the envy of all your friends.   Not only is this style fun and unique, but it's also versatile and can be tailored to suit your personality and style. So why settle for a boring hair colour when you can unleash your inner rainbow with this stunning multicoloured holographic hairstyle?   Check out this video and get ready to turn heads with your new look!
Get Ahead of the 2023 Hair Trend with Prism Multicoloured Hair
Looking for a bold and daring hairstyle that will make heads turn? Look no further than this mesmerising video of a hairdresser creating a holographic effect with prism multicoloured hair dye. This trendsetting look is perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd and embrace their individuality. With this step-by-step guide, you too can achieve this mesmerising 2023 hair trend and become the envy of all your friends. Not only is this style fun and unique, but it's also versatile and can be tailored to suit your personality and style. So why settle for a boring hair colour when you can unleash your inner rainbow with this stunning multicoloured holographic hairstyle? Check out this video and get ready to turn heads with your new look!
Bubble hair Dye Technique🍬
Pastel dreams do come true… one bubble at a time 🌈✨ @makabirdd just raised the bar with this stunning pastel holographic look! Cotton Candy Dreams, Girls Night, Virgin Pink, Periwinkle, Arctic Mist Diluter, and the bubble technique brought it all together! 😍 #AFCottonCandyDreams #AFGirlsNight #AFVirginPink #AFPeriwinkle #AFArcticMist #BubbleTechnique #holographichair #pastelhair #ArcticFoxHairColor
【クリックして他の色を選択してください】他の色1他の色2メイン素材:ポリエステル★【メイン素材】:ポリエステル 【サイズ(CM)】:50*80 80*120 80*160 120*160 140*200 160*200 160*230 180*280 200*300 250*300 【カラー】:48色展開★【階下への防音対策として】:防音効果のあるラグを敷くことで、物の落下や足音など床から階下へ伝わる騒音を軽減する事ができます。★【丸洗いOK お手入れも簡単】:一年中清潔に使えるので、お子様やペットがいるで家庭でも安心してお使いいただけます。★【お子様やペットのいるで家庭滑りにくいから安心】裏面は安全面を考慮した滑り止め加工を施しました。また、クッション性の高いウレタン層と不織布仕上げとなっているので、フローリングを傷からやさしく守ります。★【適用場所】:玄関、書斎、洗面所、お風呂、床暖房、部屋、台所、会議室、キッチン、リビングルーム、スタディルーム、ホ ール、寝室、バスルーム、ダイニングルーム、廊下などで最適しています。★【メイン素材】:ポリエステル 【サイズ(CM)】:50*80
Come to me for all your buggy hair needs! Be as buggy as you want while in my chair and finally let your buggy side show! #atxhairsalon #newsalonaustin #haircutsatx #austinhair #smallbusinessowner #coloristatx #austintexashair #haircutssalon #austinhaircolor #smallbizowner #austinhairspecialist #austintxsalon #newbusinessaustin #haircolorist #specialistinaustin #austinsmallbiz #haircutsspecialist #coloristaustin #atxsalonowner #newsalonowner