Liz Wadden | Face Yoga Specialist on Instagram: "If you don’t exercise the muscles below the neck, they become weak & flabby...same thing happens to your face with age😱 

Turn back the clock & have beautiful, tighter, young-looking skin! 💫  Comment “COURSE” for the 7 Day Skin Tightening Course that will give you tighter, brighter and younger looking skin!🫶🏻

And don’t forget to grab my Tone The Turkey Neck course to help tighten and tone your neck and jowls!  Let’s lift and tone those neck and lower face muscles together for a radiant glow! ☀️  #facialworkout #faceyogachallenge #facialfitness #facialexercises #boostcollagenproduction #bloodcirculation #oxygenflow #glowingskin #NaturalBeauty #reducefinelines #reducewrinkles #tighterskin #brighterskin #firmerskin #turkeyneck #toneyourtur Face Yoga Turkey Neck, Tighten Loose Neck Skin, Face Yoga Slimmer Face, Gua Sha Turkey Neck, How To Tighten Neck Skin Double Chin, Tone Neck And Chin, Tighten Face And Neck Skin, Tighten Jowls Sagging Skin, How To Tighten Loose Skin On Neck