God is good all of the time

Quotes,Bible verses on. To thank God, worship him & to Love one another & have patience - for giving one another + some funny, cute ones too.
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True happiness comes from our walk with the Lord! #Jesus www.thegoodnewscartoon.com ***Facebook: The Good News Cartoon***
Be Kind-Even and Especially-When You Don't Feel Like It - Time-Warp Wife
Putting on Kindness seemed to be her motto! In dealing with the homeless, especially Denver, that was one of her greatest gifts.
Fibromyalgia And How To Deal With It - Love, Home and Health
Good Morning/Evening to all my followers. Xoxo
Righteous Dog "Praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6) Biblical Inspirational Poster - Slingshot Publishing
Psalm 150:6
Acts 20:24 But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
I'm thankful for so many things, but mostly, God. Without Him I'd have nothing else to be thankful for.
When God puts love and compassion in your heart toward someone, He's offering you an opportunity to make a difference in that person's life. You must learn to follow that love. Don't ignore it. Act on it. Somebody needs what you have.