Faith for Single Moms

A collection of faith-strengthening articles for single moms.
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Self-Esteem for Single Moms
Gaining self-esteem as a single mom can be complicated, but it affects every area of our lives. One day, I woke without any self-esteem. Oh, yeah, that’s right, it was in the third grade; the cool girls I sat next to in school told me that I was absolutely “not cool.” I remember being slightly shocked. Even though I didn’t get it, I knew this was not good. Don’t feel too sorry for me. My life was full of friends, good parents, and many happy memories. But the truth is this thing called self-esteem is hard to keep a hold of. It’s like riding a wild rollercoaster and expecting to keep your hair nice and neat. We can’t make it through this life without being worn down in this area. Sometimes, we need a review.
How to Handle Stigma as a Single Mom
There are some ways to overcome stigma and judgment as a single mom, and these will bring you freedom! Legalism, judgment, and stigma go hand in hand. And as single moms, we seem to attract more than our fair share. Let’s face it, ladies; being a single mom is messy. And legalism and messiness don’t go well together. But there are ways to handle it in a positive way!
Fighting Spiritual Battles
I’ve never given much thought to putting on the whole armor of God. It was just a random verse in the Bible. But lately, I’ve seen the wisdom to apply this verse tangibly and comprehensively. My lack of putting on the whole armor of God has resulted in me being weak, indecisive, passive, and helpless. I sit around, waiting for the subsequent defeat. The next thing to go wrong. And the other shoe to drop. Whining. Moping. I’m sitting here on a battlefield without armor or weapons. No wonder I feel I feel helpless and knocked about. It's time to put on the full armor of God.
Being Kind to the Person You Used to Be
Giving yourself grace and talking kindly about yourself may be the start of finding peace regarding your past.
Finding Quiet in a Loud World
Finding rest for your soul means quieting yourself before God and centering yourself. It’s a challenge for everyone, but peace requires it.
Seeing Yourself as a Daughter of God
Gaining a positive self-image is possible, but we must rethink our identity. Seeing ourselves as daughters of “The King,” can give us a new start!
Staying Focused in a Busy Life
These are some great ideas on how to maintain focus in your life: Staying focused is a skill, and here are a few ideas on maintaining focus in your busy life. We see it in leaders, athletes, and businesses. And every once in a while, we find it in a person close to us. It’s a skill that should be pursued and practiced.
What to Remember When You Are Going Through A Difficult Time
Facing trials as a Christian can bring deep comfort. Christians know that God loves them. They may not entirely understand what is happening, but they know God sees their suffering and has a plan.
31 Day Devotional for Single Moms
31 days of hope and faith for a single mom who has recently gone through or going through a divorce or separation. During this time, you will probably feel unbalanced and overwhelmed. Raw emotions and deep pain may cloud your judgment and keep you from making wise decisions. This is a practical, non-judgmental devotional to help you work through the first 31 days of a very painful and difficult situation.
Why Looking for The Wisest Thing to do Leads You Out of Despair
These are steps on how to overcome despair. They are just baby steps but a move in the right direction. To begin with, despair isn’t selective or hard to find. You can find it anywhere—the happily married woman and the single mom. The poor think money is the answer to despair, and yet there it is with the rich. I think I know what causes it least in me. It’s the lack of what I deem as good available options. Despair comes in difficult times and situations when the only decision is a hard one. It’s the old saying, between a rock and a hard place. But looking just a little longer at a situation, may cause you to see another option!
Finding Hope Where You Are
Life is challenging, and hope can be hard to find. One of the most encouraging things to hear when you struggle is, “This isn’t over yet.” It’s easy to see why that brings hope. Sometimes hope is hard to find because we haven't seen the whole picture. God has a good plan for us, we just have to hold on a little bit longer.
Finding Faith After Trauma
Trauma can come from many things. Abuse, betrayal, or illness. Initially we are just hanging on for the ride and in survival mode. But after the trauma comes a moment where we are left wondering, where was God in the midst of our heartache.
Starting Over with God
Some days we just need a new start. And a new song. We need songs of hope and provision. Songs of healing and joy! Out with the old and in with the new. There needs to be a change. That much is clear. Let’s ask! Our God is in charge of miracles. And we need them! He’s not asking us to beg or walk in and say, “I’m so sorry I have to ask again, but I need something else.” That’s not it at all. He wants us to come boldly before him. And let’s face it! A new song would put the wind back in our sails! It would give us the strength to climb the next mountain.
Facing Difficult Situations with Courage
We all have one: that mountain you must cross for things to get better. And it’s not just any mountain. It’s the big one. You know, that chance to be strong and courageous. Mountains come in different sizes. Somedays, it’s a walk in the park. Others, it makes you feel like you are hanging on the cliff’s edge. But whatever the case is. A mountain must be climbed. There is no way around it.
Choose Forgiveness Find Freedom
Forgiveness as a Christian is tricky. It’s flippantly handed out as an afterthought. But there’s much more to it than that. As a single mom, I’ve had my share of opportunities to practice forgiveness. But I admit, it sometimes hasn’t been my first choice. There are reasons for this. They can range from not understanding the hows and whys to holding back on forgiveness as a defense mechanism. Let’s explore this together!