Borneo Dayak Art

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Steven G. Alpert presents Kayanic Art | Aesthetic Traditions of Borneo: Part I — Art of The Ancestors | Island Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Global Tribal Art News
Borneo Art — Art of The Ancestors | Island Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Global Tribal Art News
Dayak, Borneo, Kalimantan: a very old, ‘Hampadong’ figure of the Ot Danum Dayak people. From central Borneo. - Tribal Art 2017/02/20 - Realized price: EUR 3,750 - Dorotheum
‘Hampatong’ is the term used for ancestor and protective figures made of hard ‘iron wood’, which the Dayak of Borneo set up at burial places as memorial sculptures in honour of the dead, or in front of their longhouses as guardians. The present, female ‘Hampatong’ figure, from the Ot Danum Dayak in southern central Borneo, is very old. She displays white, turbo sea snail discs that have been inserted as eyes. Her right arm is carved free from the body, the left arm is missing. The still remainin
Dayak, Borneo, Kalimantan: a very old, ‘Hampadong’ figure of the Ot Danum Dayak people. From central Borneo. - Tribal Art 2017/02/20 - Realized price: EUR 3,750 - Dorotheum
Carved Bamboo Container | Dayak people | The Metropolitan Museum of Art