Cleaning Anything

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Cleaning a Vintage Plastic Doll
Old plastic dolls will get grimy over time and need careful cleaning to avoid damage. This is a guide about cleaning a vintage doll.
Stain Removal Guide - Out Spot Out!
How many times have you found a stain, whether it be on your favorite shirt or on your brand new carpet or on your favorite easy chair, and wondered "How am I going to get this out?" Well, I have put together a chart that you will be able to print out and laminate and put next to your washer for the next...
Basic Cleaning Equipment
We have many recipes in this book for make-at-home cleaners, but equipment is also important. What is basic cleaning equipment, what is necessary to buy and what can you do without? What are the replacements for common cleaning equipment?
Polishing Metal: Trash To Treasure
After scouring flea markets and yard sales, I've found some fabulous treasures. Metals are often unrealized treasures. Tarnished silver and brass look drab and worthless, but there's treasure to be found under there. Avoid the expensive store-bought polishes and create your own.
How to Fix Dye from Jeans that Transferred to Other Clothing in Wash
The blue dye in jeans is notorious for transferring to other clothing in the wash. It can be difficult to remove especially if the other clothing is not able to be bleached. This is a guide about how to fix dye from jeans that transferred to other clothing in the wash.
My Cleaning Made Simple
Instead of keeping specific cleaning things for specific jobs, I have learned to "generalize" my supplies. So now, I keep on hand the following things for cleaning any room in the house.
Cleaning Glass?
Cleaning various types of glass can present differing challenges. So whether you are cleaning a mirror, window, or the inside of a bottle this page offers some helpful suggestions.
Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean
In addition to changing out your toothbrush on a regular schedule there may be times when you want to clean your current one. This page offers some varying suggestions for cleaning a toothbrush, including soaking and running through the dishwasher.
How to Remove Sharpie From Clothing
Although Sharpie markers are intended to be permanent, if you need to remove an accidental or intentional mark on a piece of clothing this guide contains several suggestions including alcohol, nail polish remover, or a Magic Eraser. This is a guide about how to remove Sharpie from clothing.
Saving Money on Laundry Soap
It got really expensive buying good laundry soap for my clothes and the dogs blankets. I now use my favorite laundry detergent for my linens and clothes.
Removing Sticky or Greasy Substances from Surfaces
Deciding on the best product or method to use for removing a sticky or greasy material from different surfaces can be confusing. This is a guide about removing sticky or greasy substances from surfaces.
Reuse Paper Towels and Napkins
In our household, if you opt to use paper towels/napkins to dry your hands after washing then the paper towel/napkin should be used for at least another 2 times.
Saving Money on Dryer Sheets
Dip a washcloth in liquid fabric softener, then hang it on a towel rack until dry. When you dry clothes, pop this washcloth in with the load. It can be reused a couple dozen times, then repeat the procedure. A bottle of liquid softener will last almost forever!
Step By Step Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning conjures up a mental picture of a warm, sunny day spent airing out bedrooms, washing windows, and thoroughly vacuuming carpets. It signals the passing of winter gray outside and the freshness of a spring transformation inside your heart and home.
Saving Money on Laundry Soap
It got really expensive buying good laundry soap for my clothes and the dogs' blankets. I now use my favorite laundry detergent for my linens and clothes.