
107 Pins
living willow tree sculpture I have done this with sprouts coming out of a red bud tree we had to cut down
Texas Tree Selector: Tree Description
Thornless Honeylocust Texas native, reliable fall color, attractive seeds or fruit, seeds or fruit eaten by wildlife Features: Wildlife eat seed pods. Fine-textured leaves turn yellow in the fall. Comments: Will shed limbs to survive drought. 'Shademaster' is an excellent nursery variety. Problems: Native variety has nasty thorns. Seed pods can be messy.
Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm...Ulmus americana...Medicinal Benefits and uses
Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) /ATTRACTS: Monarch Butterflies. Will attract a lot of bugs which is essential to nestlings in the Spring. Will attract a lot of wildlife.
Photos and a Description of the Hackberry Tree, Found in North America
This brittle, soft tree with horrible traits can thrive on horrible sites.: Description and Identification of Hackberry