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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

The duality of man is thinking “children cannot help themselves and we all need to be patient with them as they explore what it means to be human in public” and also “damn, I wish this crying baby was not on the plane rn :/“


Just as courage is not the absence of fear but doing the brave thing in spite of it, patience is not the absence of irritation but doing the kind thing in spite of it.


generally speaking a lot of people wrongly take TERFs and other transphobes at face value when assembling their awesome rhetorical gotchas in a way that makes them seem like gullible suckers


"do these TERFs realise that they're never going to get bathroom genital inspections implemented" yes they do they're not trying to get them implemented they're trying to intimidate trans women out of existing in public so they'll detransition or die

"umm im a trans man with a beard and if i used the bathroom these stupid TERFs want me to they'd hate that lol" right that's because they don't want you to use any bathroom they want you to detransition or die

"lol social contagion theory is stupid do these parents really think isolating their kids will magically turn them cis" well you see they actually think itll make them detransition or die


Guys, Netflix is going to make a modern day adaptation of Dorian Gray and they're making Basil and Dorian brothers


oh god

It's real



Oscar Wilde did not do TWO YEARS HARD LABOR for y'all to call Basil "Dorian's artist friend" and make them BROTHERS



Being a bi guy quite possibly the funniest sexuality like dammmnnnn I know who John Waters is and jerk it to twinks in panties but I got a coffee date with Hetero Jessica from work at 3 thats her name heteroooo jessica thats her name folks thats what we call her hertero jessica



funniest possible tag. this post was literally made by a bi man who is liek this. that's the post. that's the premise of the p


if youve never physically been in the presence of like, a real live wolf, and you probably wont get the chance to, heres some stuff about them you should know

  • a wolf’s fur is so unbelievably thick that you can get like, your whole hand into it while petting. and then you can keep going
  • wolves are a lot bigger than you think they are. think about how big you think a wolf is then just like double that
  • they dont really smell like dog but they DO smell and youre not going to be able to figure out if its a good smell or not
  • a wolf really wants to lick the inside of your mouth. he will not stop trying to lick the inside of your mouth at any cost, and generally speaking you need to press your lips together kind of tightly when he approaches your face so that he doesnt worm his damn tongue in there to give you what he thinks is an appropriate greeting
  • a wolf doesnt really want to look at you while you pet him but he wants you to pet him. hes embarrassed
  • if a grown ass wolf decides to lay down on you, you just have to deal with it and thats your life now
  • young wolves, much like young dogs, are overwhelmingly goofy and stupid. a teenage wolf will see your very fragile, very human shoulder and go “i can probably step on that with my full weight” and then he will do it
  • letting a wolf eat out of your hand is actually not remotely frightening, and youll want to do it all day

I wanna know who did this research.



well, i did!


in the interest of science, have tested & can confirm


Some ancient human: I bet can domesticate that if I pet it enough

Some ancient wolf: I bet that weird wiggly thing will pet me if I lick it




I love them so much