my name is Marta, a second year English undergrad and an executive of the UofT Weblogging and Homebrew Website Club, as well as a copy editor for the EDSS literary journal, Folia. you can contact me from princemyshkin4 [at], or follow me @dedusmuln on letterboxd., or even add my site to your rss feed.

movie reviews

Elizabeth: watched for cate blanchett. something endearing about high budget movies with silly editing -- definitely prefer it over big movies now throwing all their money away at post. and I love anachronisms, we should do them more. the ending made the …

book reviews

In the Skin of a Lion: reminded me of Upton Sinclair's the jungle. not only for the early 20th century eastern european industrial labourers, but Ondaantje's references to his own work with archives made me think of Sinclair's journalistic efforts; even the labor …


WHWC Monthly Theme #1: the "small web" is usually referred to as an alternative to mainstream uses of the internet, like social media. so, in response to this month's theme for WHWC, I wanted to link some sites I like that I think are relevantly niche …