Papers by Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan
In the view of Islam, the Dhuafa (orphans, destitute, neglected children) occupy the privileges o... more In the view of Islam, the Dhuafa (orphans, destitute, neglected children) occupy the privileges of Allah SWT and His Apostles as in Surah Al-Maun Verses 1-3, for this, it is needed help from individuals and institutions to be able to maintain survival, and not displaced to become irresponsible people. This study illustrates how the Chairman of the Shine Al-Falah Foundation's leadership in fostering the Minangkabau village boarding school for the poor and the Shine Al-Falah Foundation's synergy with the government, donors, and the community. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive type. Primary data sources are the chairman, the supervisor of the Shine Al-Falah foundation, while the secondary data are the leader of the Islamic Boarding School, the laziswaf management, the orphanage management, the male / female boarding supervisor and the students. Data collection uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed the leadership of the chairman of the Foundation Shine Al-Falah succeeded in fostering the Minangkabau village boarding school to be able to continue to exist in continuing education development by building participatory leadership to all stakeholders and trying to build synergy with relevant government agencies, the community and donors to run the program planned to meet the educational needs, infrastructure, basic food needs and so on that are suitable for children of poor people in Padang city, especially for children in the Minangkabau Village Islamic Boarding School. Abstrak : Dalam pandangan Agama Islam kaum Dhuafa (anak yatim, fakir miskin, anak terlantar) menempati keistimewaan oleh Allah SWT dan Rasul-NYA sebagaimana dalam Q.S Al-Ma'un Ayat 1-3, untuk itu diperlukan bantuan dari pribadi dan lembaga-lembaga agar dapat menjaga keberlangsungan hidup, serta tidak terlantar hingga menjadi orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang bagaimana Kepemimpinan Ketua Yayasan Shine Al-Falah dalam membina pondok pesantren perkampungan minangkabau bagi pendidikan kaum dhuafa dan Sinergitas Yayasan Shine Al-Falah dengan pemerintah, donatur dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Sumber data primer yaitu ketua, pembina yayasan Shine Al-Falah, sedangkan data sekunder yaitu pimpinan ponpes, pengurus laziswaf, pengurus panti asuhan, pembina asrama putra/putri dan santiwan/ti. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepemimpinan ketua Yayasan Shine Al-Falah berhasil membina pondok pesantren perkampungan minangkabau untuk dapat tetap eksis dalam melanjutkan pembinaan pendidikan yaitu dengan cara membangun kepemimpinan yang partisipatif kepada seluruh stakeholder dan berupaya membangun sinergitas kepada instansi pemerintah terkait, masyarakat dan para donatur agar berjalannya program yang telah di rencanakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, sarana prasarana, kebutuhan makanan pokok dan lain sebagainya yang layak bagi anak-anak kaum dhuafa di kota padang terkusus bagi anak-anak di Pondok Pesantren Perkampungan Minangkabau. Kata Kunci : Kepemimpinan; Kaum Dhuafa; Pendidikan.
This study aims to evaluate the Teacher Training Program at Training Center for Education and Rel... more This study aims to evaluate the Teacher Training Program at Training Center for Education and Religious Technical Personnell. The basic problem is that there is no post-training evaluation as an integral part of the evaluation of training implementation. The evaluation model used in this study is the Kirkpatrick evaluation model which is reaction level, learning level, behavior level and result level to get a more comprehensive picture of the Teacher Training Program. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data was conduct using questionnaire, interview, and document studies. The results of this study indicate that on reaction level, based on the results of the achievement analysis are in the high category, learning level of the program which are also in the high category, behavior level are in the high category, however result level of the program are in the moderate category. The findings of the evaluation of this result prove the importance of the training center conducting post-training evaluations to determine the impact of the training on the performance of participants and educational institutions. This research can be used as input for the Training Center to be consistent in evaluating both during training and after training as stated in Kirkpatrick's theory. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program Pelatihan Guru di Pusdiklat Tenaga Teknis Pendidikan dan Keagamaan Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia. Permasalahan mendasar adalah tidak adanya evaluasi pasca pelatihan sebagai bagian integral evaluasi penyelenggaraan pelatihan. Model yang digunakan adalah model Kirkpatrick dengan tahapan evaluasi reaksi, pembelajaran, perilaku, dan hasil untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih menyeluruh dan mendalam tentang program pelatihan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen angket, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pada tahapan evaluasi reaksi, berdasarkan hasil analisis ketercapaian berada pada kategori tinggi, tahapan evaluasi pembelajaran berada pada kategori tinggi, pada tahapan evaluasi perilaku berada pada kategori tinggi, namun pada tahapan evaluasi hasil berada pada kategori moderat. Temuan evaluasi hasil ini membuktikan pentingnya pusdiklat melakukan evaluasi pasca penyelenggraan pelatihan untuk mengetahui dampak pelatihan bagi kinerja peserta dan institusi pendidikan. Penelitian ini dapat djadikan sebagai masukan bagi Pusdiklat untuk konsisten melakukan evaluasi baik selama pelatihan maupun pasca pelatihan sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam teori Kirkpatrick. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Program; Model Kirkpatrick; Pelatihan; Guru Madrasah; Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia.
The government formed the Education Board to ensure the implementation of a democratic and qualit... more The government formed the Education Board to ensure the implementation of a democratic and quality education policy through community involvement as education stakeholders. By examining the achievement of the objectives of the establishment of the Education Board, this study wanted to see how the Education Board contributed to improving the quality of Education services in Cirebon District. This research was conducted qualitatively in 2019 with the method of data collection through in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and document studies. The results showed that the Board of Education had not yet optimally contributed. The general public does not understand the existence of the Board of Education. Community participation in education that should be optimized through the School Committee has also not been optimally touched. Collaboration with industry has not been established so that the involvement of the Industrial Business World in the development of Education has not been optimal. The absence of rules regarding budget allocations for the implementation of the Education Board activities, resulting in the Education Board unable to work optimally. Abstrak : Pemerintah membentuk Dewan Pendidikan untuk menjamin terlaksananya kebijakan Pendidikan yang demokratis dan berkualitas melalui pelibatan masyarakat sebagai stakeholder pendidikan. Dengan mengkaji ketercapaian tujuan pembentukan Dewan Pendidikan, penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana kontribusi Dewan Pendidikan dalam meningkatkan mutu pelayanan Pendidikan di Kabupaten Cirebon. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif pada tahun 2019 dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, kuesioner, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dewan Pendidikan belum berkontribusi secara optimal. Masyarakat pada umumnya tidak memahami keberadaan Dewan Pendidikan. Peran serta masyarakat dalam Pendidikan yang seharusnya dapat dioptimalkan melalui Komite Sekolah juga belum tersentuh secara optimal. Kerjasama dengan kalangan industri belum terjalin, sehingga keterlibatan Dunia Usaha Dunia Industri dalam pembangunan Pendidikan belum optimal. Tidak adanya aturan mengenai alokasi anggaran bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan Dewan Pendidikan, mengakibatkan Dewan Pendidikan tidak dapat bekerja secara optimal. Kata Kunci : Dewan Pendidikan, partisipasi masyarakat, pembangunan Pendidikan, Pendidikan, partisipasi Pendidikan.
Abstrak : This study aims to explain and analyze about how the management of teaching material po... more Abstrak : This study aims to explain and analyze about how the management of teaching material poetry's writing in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. As well as knowing curriculum management in improving the teaching material of writing poetry in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. The results of this research are expected to be able to contribute thoughts in an effort to improve quality education and increase knowledge about the management of teaching material poetry's writing in Tadris Bahasa Indonesia at IAIN Curup. This study uses a development approach. Data collections was carried out using questionnaires, interviews and tests. To obtain information on the feasibility of teaching materials, a validation test was carried out on the material eligibility about language (poetry). The subjects of this study were 22 students. Based on the analysis, poetry writing teaching materials can be categorized as good and appropriate to be used. Students have diverse needs in writing poetry. The need for aspects of the content and physical aspects of teaching materials. Entertaining teaching materials as well as clear and varied poetry, exercises and evaluations in accordance with the theme desired by student. Teaching materials such as modeling the making of poetry and presenting images are needed to motivate students in carrying out exercises and evaluating poetry writing varied examples of poetry. Teaching material for writing poetry entitled fun writing poetry used in learning. Teaching material development in the form of textbooks can improve student's abilities. So the management of writing poetry can improve students, understanding of writing poetry. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis mengenai bagaimana manajemen bahan ajar menulis puisi tadris bahasa Indonesia IAIN Curup.Serta mengetahui manajemen kurikulum dalam meningkatkan bahan ajar menulis puisi tadris bahasa Indonesia IAIN Curup.Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan menambah pengetahuan tentang manajemen bahan ajar menulis puisi tadris bahasa Indonesia IAIN Curup. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket,wawancara dan tes. Untuk memperoleh informasi kelayakan bahan ajar, dilakukan uji validasi terhadap kelayakan materi tentang kebahasaan (Puisi). Subjek penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa yang berjumlah 22 orang. Berdasarkan analisis, bahan ajar menulis puisi dapat dikagorikan baik dan layak untuk digunakan.Mahasiswa memiliki kebutuhan yang beragam dalam menulis puisi. Kebutuhan aspek isi dan aspek fisik bahan ajar. Bahan ajar yang menghibur serta puisi yang jelas dan bervariasi,latihan dan evaluasi sesuai dengan tema yang diinginkan mahasiswa.Bahan ajar seperti mencontohkan pembuatan puisi dan menyajikan gambar yang diperlukan untuk memotivasi mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan latihan dan evaluasi menulis puisi. Menyajikan contoh puisi yang bervariasi.Bahan ajar menulis puisi yang diberi judul Asyik menulis puisi yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran.Bahan ajar pengembangan yang berupa buku teks dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa. Jadi manajemen menulis puisi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap menulis puisi. Kata Kunci : Manajemen; Bahan ajar; puisi. Pendahuluan Dalam Undang-undang 1945 pasal 31: Setiap warga Negara berhak mendapat pendidikan.Landasan konstitusional komitmen pendidikan inilah yang membuka peluang yang sebesar-besarnya bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk berbuat baik bagi sistem pendidikan nasional melalui berbagai kebijakan bidang pemerintah dan pembangunan, termasuk kebijakan otonomi daerah. Tujuan manajemen pendidikan yaitu meningkatkan produktivitas pendidikan yang dilihat dari efisiensi penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan efektifitas
This study aims to explain the organizing of Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe orphanage resources in fost... more This study aims to explain the organizing of Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe orphanage resources in fostering the morals of foster children. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenology approach. The results showed that organizing the resources of the Muhammadiyah Lhokseumawe orphanage in the moral formation of foster children globally had carried out their duties and mutual coordination. The Chair, coordinates and evaluates the management and cooperation with various stakeholders, both government and private. Secretary, takes care of internal and external administration of the institution. Finance, records, compiles and oversees the entry and exit of money from various parties for the needs of foster children. The field of Education, Supervision and Order is responsible for formal and nonformal education of foster children, supervises various activities, and cooperates with third parties in handling security. The field of Health and Hygiene, handles the health and hygiene of foster children both practically and in a mindset. Various job descriptors that are in the management structure of Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Lhokseumawe, handling the problem of the moral development of foster children are fully entrusted to the field of care.
This study aims to determine (1) the quality of learning materials for automotive productive teac... more This study aims to determine (1) the quality of learning materials for automotive productive teacher theory; (2) Preparation and planning of automotive productive teacher learning; (3) Synchronization of theoretical learning with productive teacher practice learning (4) Supervision and follow-up after the evaluation of productive teacher learning. This type of research is an evaluation with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan. The respondents were students of automotive engineering expertise programs, all automotive productive teachers, and school principals. The evaluation model used is the Goal Oriented Evaluation Model, which is an evaluation which is oriented towards the objectives of the automotive productive teacher learning management program. Data collection techniques by questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of the instrument through the help of a competent panel. The results showed: (1) The quality of automotive productive teacher learning materials in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan was effective. (2) Preparation and planning of learning of automotive productive teachers in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan effectively. (3) Synchronization of theoretical learning with learning practices of automotive productive teachers in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan effectively. (4) Supervision and follow-up after the evaluation of the learning of automotive productive teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Moyudan is effective.
The aims of this study were to investigate the description of the transformational leadership beh... more The aims of this study were to investigate the description of the transformational leadership behaviour of school principals of private vocational senior high schools in Palembang, and how the school principals implemented the transformational leadership in the school and how the transformational leadership impacted to the teacher performance. The subjects of this study was four school principals of four private vocational senior high schools in Palembang. The data collection was taken from the questionnaire and interview. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed by simple statistical analysis and the interview was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The findings showed that the description of transformational leadership demonstrated the four dimension of transformational leadership, such as idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration. Later in this study it was found that school principals implement transformational leadership by using some ways such as building the trust, motivation, facilitation and communication. It is also found that the transformational leadership behavior of school principal of private vocational high school in Palembang has an impact to the teacher performance in teaching learning process.
This is a new author guidelines and article template of TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidika... more This is a new author guidelines and article template of TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan since year 2017 publication. Article should be started by Title of Article followed by Authors Name and Affiliation Address and abstract. This abstract section should be typed in Italic font and font size of 10 pt and number of words of 150-200. Special for the abstract section, please use left margin of 25 mm, top margin of 30 mm, right and bottom margins of 20 mm. The single spacing should be used between lines in this article. If article is written in Indonesian, the abstract should be typed in Indonesian and English. Meanwhile, if article is written in English, the abstract should be typed in English only. The abstract should be typed as concise as possible and should be composed of: problem statement, method, scientific finding results, and short conclusion. The abstract should only be typed in one paragraph and one-column format.
Papers by Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan