Papers by Taronisokhi Zebua
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH)
The strength of the algorithm used in data security does not only depend on the complexity of the... more The strength of the algorithm used in data security does not only depend on the complexity of the algorithm used, but lies in the randomness and complexity of the key solving used. The repetition of the same character in the formation of a key used by a data security algorithm is very vulnerable to attack, because it can make it easier for attackers to break the algorithm itself. One of the commonly used data security algorithms is the comfort cipher algorithm. The number of key characters needed in this algorithm is directly proportional to or equal to the number of characters of text or data that is secured. Using a number of key characters like this allows the repetition of the same characters, making it easier for attackers to find out the pattern of the keywords used. Based on this, random key generation is necessary to optimize the robustness of the algorithm used. Multiply with carry generator is a random number generation technique that has advantages in speed and length of ...
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science), Mar 27, 2018
The IJICS | Fitarius Humendru |
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), Aug 27, 2016
Masalah antrian sangat sering dijumpai pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Seperti yang dihadapi oleh Kan... more Masalah antrian sangat sering dijumpai pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Seperti yang dihadapi oleh Kantor Pos dengan peran ganda. Selain penyedia layanan jasa antar barang, kantor pos juga berperan sebagai tempat penyalur dana program simpanan keluarga sejahtera. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi pembentukan model antrian adalah model single queue multi server yang memiliki satu pintu input dan satu pintu output, simulasi antrian single queue multi server yaitu satu antrian ataupun tunggal dan mempunyai fasilitas, mempunyai banyak pelayanan dan lebih dari satu. Simulasi merupakan salah satu strategi pembelajaran yang bertujuan memberikan pengalaman belajar yang lebih kongkrit melalui tiruan-tiruan yang mendekati bentuk sebenarnya. Simulasi antrian pada algoritma first come first server menggambarkan bahwa orang yang lebih dahulu datang akan dilayani terlebih dahulu. Kalau ada proses tiba pada waktu yang sama, maka pelayanan mereka dilaksanakan melalui urutan mereka dalam antrian. Proses di antrian belakang harus menunggu sampai semua proses di depannya selesai. Antrian FCFS merupakan permasalahan yang ada terutama menyangkut kedatangan pelanggan (konsumen), permintaan pelayanan, kemudian terjadi antrian atau baris tunggu untuk memperoleh pelayanan tersebut, sehingga ada waktu tunggu. Seiring dengan kemajuan yang dicapai dengan menggunakan teknologi komputer, tahun demi tahun berkembang terus dengan pesatnya, untuk menyelesaikan masalah antrian ini dapat dipergunakan model antrian FCFS.
Teks adalah hasil pengamatan atau observasi, oleh sebab itu informasi yang digunakan untuk menjab... more Teks adalah hasil pengamatan atau observasi, oleh sebab itu informasi yang digunakan untuk menjabarkan suatu benda atau objek harus jelas, sesuai dengan data dan fakta yang ada pada objek tersebut.Teks memiliki tujuan, yakni memberi penjelasan yang utuh kepada pembacanya supaya mereka dapat memahami apa yang sedang dibicarakan dengan jelas, entah dalam hal bentuk fisik ataupun wujud yang abstrak seperti sikap, rasa dan lain sebagainya. Exact String matching merupakan sebuah metode pencocokan karakter dari sebuah masukkan dengan kata atau kalimat yang memiliki kesamaan baik karakter maupun kata. exact string matching digunakan untuk mencocokkan string yang masukkannya dari aktifitas keyboard dan membandingkan dengan string yang dikenali oleh sistem keylogger untuk direkam aktifitasnya, pada proses ini string yang direkam tidak diamankan sehingga hasil keylogger bisa dibaca oleh siapa saja jika mengetahui lokasi file keylogger berada, untuk itu perlu ditambahkan fungsi keamanan dalam ...
Citra atau Image merupakan istilah lain dari gambar, yang merupakan informasi berbentuk visual. C... more Citra atau Image merupakan istilah lain dari gambar, yang merupakan informasi berbentuk visual. Citra digital sering digunakan dalam menyajikan berbagai informasi, karena pada dasarnya data informasi berupa citra digital sangat dibutuhkan dibandingkan dari data yang sifatnya teks dan digunakan dalam berbagai bidang seperti keamanan, medis, ilmu, teknik, seni, hiburan, iklan, pendidikan serta pelatihan. Dengan bertambahnya penggunaan teknik digital bagi transmisi dan penyimpanan citra digital, masalah mendasar untuk melindungi kerahasiaan, keutuhan dan keaslian citra digital memang perlu diperhatikan. DES beroperasi pada ukuran blok 64 bit. DES mengenkripsikan 64 bit plainteks menjadi 64 bit cipherteks dengan menggunakan 56 bit kunci internal ( internal key ) atau up-kunci ( subkey ). Kunci internal dibangkitkan dari kunci eksternal ( external key ) yang panjangnya 64 bit. Algoritma GOST merupakan Algoritma buatan Rusia yang merupakan tandingan dari algoritma DES buatan Amerika Serik...
Now this information technology users using computers as his media greatly increased .An effectiv... more Now this information technology users using computers as his media greatly increased .An effective security of a system was technology information is really needed to day-to-day activities , the issue of security and secrecy is one of the important aspect of a message , data , or information. One of them is image , image is one part of the department of multimedia of what is important. The image of presenting information visually and information presented by an image richer than served in a textual. One way to secure imagery is with the process of encryption , encryption is the process of turning plaintext into chipertext , one of the methods that could be used is an algorithm chua chaotic noise that is the algorithms that having a manner of working with each pixel count that were on the image of pictures and then do rotation pixels in vertical synchronization and horizontal based on the length of pixels of any result rotation pixel image so that encryption would come out the more r...
Keamanan sebuah data pada era perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat perlu diperhatikan. Pesan te... more Keamanan sebuah data pada era perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat perlu diperhatikan. Pesan teks merupakan salah satu jenis pesan teks yang membutuhkan pengamanan terutama pesan teks yang bersifat rahasa dan pribadi. Aplikasi chatting merupakan salah satu media yang sering digunakan sebagai media berkomunikasi dalam bertukar pesan. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan keamanan terhadap sebuah data adalah memanfaatkan teknik kriptografi. Teknik kriptografi mengamankan pesan teks dengan cara menyandikan pesan asli menjadi pesan yang berbeda dengan pesan aslinya. Penelitian ini menguraikan tentang pengamanan pesan teks pada aplikasi chatting berdasarkan algoritma RC4+. Algoritma ini akan melakukan proses key schedulling algorithm dan proses pseudo random generation algorithm serta melakukan proses pemutaran state dan proses pemindahan sejumlah bit pada posisi tertentu untuk memperoleh kunci yang lebih acak yang dibutuhkan pada proses enkripsi dan dekripsi se...
Database records in the form of text are very widely used, so it is very vulnerable to data theft... more Database records in the form of text are very widely used, so it is very vulnerable to data theft by unauthorized parties. In order to maintain the security of database records, it can be done by using cryptographic techniques. Cryptographic techniques can encode database records by encrypting them in the form of passwords that are not understood. The Mars algorithm is an algorithm that uses a 128-bit key and the encryption process consists of 32 rounds. This symmetry algorithm will produce a higher level of security against the database record because it can encode it into a password with a fairly complex process that will make it difficult for cryptanalysts to access the image. This research uses the Mars Algorithm for the encryption and decryption process, so that in the process it is necessary to go through several long steps in order to produce the final cipher. This research describes the process of securing a database record by encoding it based on the Mars algorithm, in the ...
Since the discovery of a tool to capture an image (image) in the form of a camera making technolo... more Since the discovery of a tool to capture an image (image) in the form of a camera making technological developments not only focus on the tools but also must focus on where the data is stored. The need for storage media is something that is needed in every communication tool. Data and information communication systems are not only in the form of text but can also be in the form of images, videos and audio. Image file size that is relatively larger compared to text files is one of the causes of the amount of memory used for storing image files. The size of the image file can also cause the length of time to send the image file. Image file compression process is one way that can be done to overcome the problem of image file size. Image compression is an attempt to minimize the file size or bytes of a graphic file without reducing the quality of existing images. A certain amount of storage, such as disk space or memory, makes it possible to reduce the image file size. Many algorithms t...
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2020
Internet packages are very important for mobile users. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or ... more Internet packages are very important for mobile users. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or internet service providers can help facilitate users in accessing the internet. Each ISP has a competitive advantage to attract internet users. Consumers are required to be smart in choosing internet packages so that they do not harm themselves. Based on this, an appropriate method is needed to assist in the selection of effective internet packages. Decision support systems have a variety of methods and one of them is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and is tested with Expert Choice 11. The results of the calculation using AHP are ranking each alternative that is obtained by the most important alternative and widely used by consumers is Telkomsel (Simpati Flash) in terms of security criteria is the ability to block viruses & spam.
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), 2020
Fuji apples (Malus Domestika) are fruits that contain a lot of antioxidants. Besides the fruit fl... more Fuji apples (Malus Domestika) are fruits that contain a lot of antioxidants. Besides the fruit flesh, the apple also contains pectin. Fuji apples are red and have a yellow line. The size of apples can affect the selling price of apples, the determination of the size of apples can be seen from the size of the diameter, measuring the diameter of apples is usually done visually by comparing apples. Based on these problems, a research is needed to develop a system to determine the diameter of fuji apples by using image processing techniques to find the diameter. This measurement process uses the matlab application and tests with the sobel edge detection method and image processing to see the more visible edges of the lines. The results showed that the developed system was able to obtain images and identify the diameter of fuji apples
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), 2020
Lottery or commonly known as a lottery is one way to raise funds used for humanitarian projects a... more Lottery or commonly known as a lottery is one way to raise funds used for humanitarian projects and social activities or a way to determine the winner randomly. So, the lottery does a random gift-giving process and the lottery is synonymous with the lottery. The design of a lottery winner randomization application is one of the more modern ways and can attract many lottery participants to enter the lottery by reducing the cost of printing and distributing lottery tickets. One of them is the blum blub shub method, which is a method that functions to generate random numbers mathematically with the resulting output is a series of binary numbers. the numbers that are made as winners. The designed application only simulates the process of inputting lottery numbers and the randomization process to get the winning numbers
Jurasik (Jurnal Riset Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika), 2018
Service of information about books in a library is very helpful and makes it easier for visitors ... more Service of information about books in a library is very helpful and makes it easier for visitors to find the book they want to find. Presentation of information on books available in the library of AMIK Stiekom North Sumatra has not been effective and efficient, because it is still done by looking at the library employee records on the list of books that have been provided. This problem becomes one of the factors to decrease interest in reading the library visitors. Utilization of application suggestions reading books in the library of AMIK Stiekom North Sumatra can be used as a trigger of the interest of visitors to keep reading books available in the library. The built-in book suggestion app works based on brute-force algorithms so that it can present book information relevant to the topic being searched by the visitors.
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Storage space required by an application is one of the problems on smartphones. This problem can ... more Storage space required by an application is one of the problems on smartphones. This problem can result in a waste of storage space because not all smartphones have a very large storage capacity. One application that has a large file size is the RPUL application and this application is widely accessed by students and the general public. Large file size is what often causes this application can not run effectively on smartphones. One solution that can be used to solve this problem is to compress the application file, so that the size of the storage space needed in the smartphone is much smaller. This study describes how the application of the elias gamma code algorithm as one of the compression technique algorithms to compress the RPUL application database file. This is done so that the RPUL application can run effectively on a smartphone after it is installed. Based on trials conducted on 64 bit of text as samples in this research it was found that compression based on the elias gam...
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Optimizing the security of confidential text messages is very important to protect the contents o... more Optimizing the security of confidential text messages is very important to protect the contents of messages from those who want to use or damage the message. The use of cryptographic techniques in securing data can still raise suspicion of the message that has been secured. This study explores how to use steganography techniques to coat encrypted message security based on steganography techniques. The spritz algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm that is used to obtain the cipher from the original message, while the spread spectrum method is a method used to hide the original data password into an image. Based on testing done by combining these two techniques, it is quite reliable to optimize the security of secret messages because others cannot see the existence of the cipher of the original data in plain sight.Keywords: Â Cryptography, Steganography, Spritz, Spread Spectrum, mp3
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Now days, there are many algorithms developed for data compression, but there is no one that is g... more Now days, there are many algorithms developed for data compression, but there is no one that is good for compressing various types of files because of different characteristics or file structures. This research explained the result of two compression algorithms in order to know the performance comparison between the Fixed Length Binary Encoding (FLBE) algorithm and the elias gamma code algorithm in compressing text files, especially in format rtf. The parameters being compared are the ratio of compression, compression ratio, redundancy and time. Based on the test results show that the fixed length binary encoding algorithm is better than the elias gamma code algorithm where the average ratio of compression results of fixed length binary encoding algorithm is 1.66 bits while the elias gamma code is 1.62 bits. The average compression ratio of fixed length binary encoding algorithm is 60.9% while Elias Gamma Code is 62.20%. The average value of the redundancy of the fixed length binary...
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
The size of the data that is owned by an application today is very influential on the amount of s... more The size of the data that is owned by an application today is very influential on the amount of space in the memory needed one of which is a mobile-based application. One mobile application that is widely used by students and the public at this time is the Complete Natural Knowledge Summary (Rangkuman Pengetahuan Alam Lengkap or RPAL) application. The RPAL application requires a large amount of material storage space in the mobile memory after it has been installed, so it can cause this application to be ineffective (slow). Compression of data can be used as a solution to reduce the size of the data so as to minimize the need for space in memory. The levestein algorithm is a compression technique algorithm that can be used to compress material stored in the RPAL application database, so that the database size is small. This study describes how to compress the RPAL application database records, so as to minimize the space needed on memory. Based on tests conducted on 128 characters o...
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer), 2019
Smartphones in addition to being a smartphone communication tool also functions as a tool for fin... more Smartphones in addition to being a smartphone communication tool also functions as a tool for finding information. One application that is currently widely used by students and the public is KUHP application that run in mobile. KUHP application is an application that contains material of criminal laws. The KUHP application has large material and is stored in the application database after it is installed. The large size of the database of the Criminal Code application causes the need for large memory space at mobile. This has become one of the causes of smartphone memory performance to be reduced and slow. Compression technique can be used as a solution to the problem above. Compression aims to compress large data sizes into smaller ones, so that the required storage space decreases. This study describes how to do the compression process of the KUHP application material based on the Even Rodeh Code algorithm. Based on the results of tests conducted to compress 280 bits of data, it w...
Security has two techniques namely cryptography and steganography. The combination of these two t... more Security has two techniques namely cryptography and steganography. The combination of these two techniques can be used as one of the solutions to improve the security of data and confidential information, where cryptographic techniques used to encode messages and steganography techniques used to hide messages that have been encoded before. Steganography can be seen as a continuation of cryptography. If on cryptography, the ciphertext remains available, then with steganography the ciphertext can be hidden so that the third party does not know its existence. The hidden secret data can be re-extracted exactly as it was in the original state. The combination of cryptographic and steganographic techniques will be applied in designing a data security application that can be used to improve data or information security. Applications that are ready to be designed, will be able to be used to insert a secret message into the media container so that the secret message that has been sent will a...
This research describes the comparison between the LSB and EOF algorithms in terms of concealment... more This research describes the comparison between the LSB and EOF algorithms in terms of concealment of information in the image as a hiding medium. Performance performed is process and result file. This research can be used as a reference for users to choose a more optimal steganographic algorithm for hidden information.
Papers by Taronisokhi Zebua