Ways to Connect
Employers with specialized positions may consider targeted outreach or other creative ways to connect with University of Kentucky students. In such cases, companies are welcome to contact specific program representatives or other campus offices.
Campus-Wide Employer Resources Degree-Specific ContactsThere are many ways for employers to connect with students and soon-to-be grads in the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
With more than 30 undergraduate and graduate degree programs - ranging from biotechnology and animal science to merchandising and dietetics - employers will find a wide variety of job-ready candidates in our college.
Events & Campus Services
The University of Kentucky hosts campus-wide career fairs each semester (typically during the months of September and February). Employers may also consider hosting in-person or online information sessions to increase visibility for their organization and its positions.
For more information on upcoming fairs and other recruitment events, email the UK Stuckert Career Center at hireblue@uky.edu.
NOTE: To register for UK events, employers are encouraged to create a Handshake account as it is the primary career services dashboard used by University of Kentucky staff and students.
Employers may request on-campus interview rooms in the UK Stuckert Career Center. The Center is located at 408 Rose St. and offers convenient employer parking. For more details, click here.
For informal, face-to-face interactions with UK students, employers are welcome to set up a table on the University of Kentucky campus. Employers may request a table on the University’s central campus.
Advertise Positions to...
Each Wednesday throughout the school year, M-G CAFE students receive a “College Weekly” email highlighting a variety of news and information – including job and internship opportunities. Employers advertise their position in this message by submitting position details and the application link via this form.
The University of Kentucky, and many other Kentucky colleges, uses Handshake as its primary career development dashboard. For employers, this is an opportunity to advertise internships, part-time positions and full-time openings to a wide variety of students.
To post a position to Handshake, employers will need to create an account. Set-up instructions, and other details, can be found on this webpage.
Questions may be directed to the UK Stuckert Career Center at hireblue@uky.edu.
For nearby employers with paid part-time or seasonal openings, UK HR Student Employment will advertise the position and screen candidates free of charge. For more information, visit the UK Human Resources website.