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Our college has more than 30 student organizations across a variety of subjects and interests. Click one of the interest areas on this page to begin exploring groups within the college and across campus.

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Interest Areas & Clubs in Our College

Undergraduate Student Council 

Those who serve on the council strive to make our college a better place for its students, staff, and faculty. We do this in many fun and creative ways. Here are our objectives as of January 2022.

Members of the college's Student Council strive to:

  1. Provide leadership experience for members
  2. Facilitate communication between student organizations in the college
  3. Provide a forum for communication between students, student organizations, and the administration in the college
  4. Facilitate a collegial environment between students and faculty
  5. Promote and recognize excellence in student and faculty scholarship
  6. Promote the general welfare of all students in the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

In addition to the duties described above, all Student Council members act as the student voice to college administration, coordinate annual fundraisers, and organize a variety of events for the general student population including the Annual Clothing Drive, Roundup events, and Barn Dance.

AgriBusiness Club 
The AgriBusiness Club brings together undergraduate students and local and national agricultural business leaders to promote the understanding of the business of agriculture and to give students an opportunity to learn many of the facets of agriculture that show up in almost all areas of our lives. By regularly meeting with these agribusiness leaders, students have a better understanding of the diversity of career opportunities in agriculture and what qualities and skills will be needed to succeed.

Academic Quiz Bowl Team 

Academic Quiz Bowl is a fast-paced, team competition in the same style as Jeopardy. Two teams compete on their knowledge of Ag Economics coursework. Categories include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Agribusiness/Finance, Resource/Policy, Quantitative, Marketing, Management, and Potpourri. Twice per year, these multi-University competitions take place in conjunction with Agricultural Economics professional meetings - the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) and the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA). The competitions occur in different cities around the U.S. every February and late July.

Agronomy Club

Gives members hands-on experience within agronomy. Allows students the opportunity to go to National Meeting of Agronomy and present projects and compete in contests such as quiz bowl, soil judging, and more. 

Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

The UK Student Chapter of the ASLA serves as the official voice of the student body; their purpose is to advocate for their profession and for their peers. They help strengthen connections between the professional world and our BSLA program through networking events, forums and discussions on current issues, and lectures. Moreover, they motivate their classmates to produce their best work; their aim is to assist our program in producing designs that keep sustainability, resiliency, and future generations in mind. 

Beekeeping Club

Emerging Entomologists

Natural Resources and Environmental Science Club 

The Natural Resources and Environmental Science (NRES) Club provides opportunities for like-minded people to connect with nature, volunteer in the community, and learn about natural resources in Kentucky. We are working on establishing ourselves and creating a unique environmental niche on UK’s campus.

Horticulture Club 

Members of the Horticulture Club participate in many activities during the academic year including industry and faculty speakers, participation in intercollegiate competitions, an annual national or international garden and industry tours, fundraising events, picnics and other social outings. This club provides the atmosphere and means for students to gain additional knowledge, experience and friendship beyond the classroom. All students who have an interest in horticulture are welcome.

Outdoor Adventures

The mission of UK Outdoor Adventures is to provide outdoor recreation and education opportunities for the University of Kentucky community using human–powered adventure pursuits‚ experiential education‚ and the natural environment. Outdoor Adventures information can be found at the Johnson Center‚ in the climbing wall area. Information on upcoming adventure trips‚ climbing wall programs‚ and resource materials for personal trip planning are available along with a knowledgeable and friendly staff.

Student Sustainability Council 

The Student Sustainability Council was formed to supervise the distribution of the Environmental Stewardship Fee in order to responsibly advance the theory, practice and reality of Sustainability at the University of Kentucky. Any member of the University of Kentucky community can submit a proposal for funding support.  The SSC distributes more than $191,000 for campus sustainability projects each year.  

UK Bass Fishing Team

UK Greenthumb 

The UK Greenthumb Environmental Club was founded on the University of Kentucky campus in 1993. Greenthumb is engaged in environmental activism on campus and beyond. Currently, much of Greenthumb’s work is focused on pushing for a more sustainable campus. In the past Greenthumb members have lobbied for change on campus by holding positions within Student Government, the President’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, the Student Sustainability Council, the original Sustainability Task Force and various other university bodies. 

University of Kentucky Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters

The University of Kentucky Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF), known as the Forestry Club, is a nonprofit student organization that is a part of the University of Kentucky. This organization is devoted to the advancement of the science, technology, education and practice of forestry among the student body and communities in which we interact. The Forestry Club promotes fellowship and professionalism among the students at the University of Kentucky as well as developing close working relationships with advising faculty and forestry professionals.

Collegiate Professional Horseman's Association

The University of Kentucky Collegiate Professional Horseman's Assocation unifies and empowers horsemen of all levels, backgrounds, disciplines and career pathways through the promotion of leadership, education, professional development and service opportunities.

Dressage Team

The University of Kentucky Dressage Team was designed to allow students to compete and support each other at local shows and events, and provides a social network for students interested in each discipline of riding. The Team competes at Intercollegiate Dressage Association competitions and local events. The team also hosts clinics, industry speakers, social events and fundraisers. Riders of all levels and disciplines are open to join the UK Dressage Team.

Equestrian Team

The UK Equestrian Team is a club sport comprised of beginners to experienced riders who share a love for horses. The team competes regionally in hunt seat, and western divisions. The season runs from late August to early May and is packed full of exciting competitions and other activities.

Eventing Team

The University of Kentucky Eventing Team was designed to allow students to compete and support each other at local shows and events. The Eventing Team competes at Intercollegiate Eventing League competitions and local events and also hosts clinics, industry speakers and fundraisers. Riders of all levels and disciplines are open to join to UK Eventing Team.

Horse Racing Club

From farm tours to track trips, this club knows its way around the Horse Capital of the World. The Horse Racing Club’s mission is to educate students about horse racing, and provide the opportunity to experience the many aspects of the horse racing industry.

Polo Team

UK’s Polo Team is a competitive team affiliated with the United States Polo Association. The team competes at 6-8 competitions per year for varsity team, 3-5 per year for junior varsity, and club competitions are dependent on skill level and availability. Members will have the opportunity to exercise horses at least 3 times per week, and join team practices in addition to that 1-2 times per week. The team's farm is located at Commonwealth Polo Club in Paris, KY.

R.E.A.D. Club 

The Research in Equine and Agricultural Disciplines (READ) Club explores cutting-edge research in areas such as equine physiology and nutrition, forages and soil science, meat science, cow reproductive technologies and much more. Presentations and tours given by veterinarians, professors, graduate and undergraduate students and local agricultural industry leaders educate club members in various fields, opening doors of opportunity for those looking to become involved in agricultural research.

Rodeo Team

The team's mission is to promote and develop the sport of rodeo at UK and in the community, providing students with the opportunity to further pursue the sport educationally and competitively at the intercollegiate level. One of the main goals of the team is to give its members the chance to participate in activities covering every aspect of rodeo industry, from learning about rodeo in general to competing as part of the team.

Saddle Seat Team

Started in 2008, the Saddle Seat Team is composed of members who have many different levels of riding and show experience. We work as a team to practice and prepare for five competitions held throughout the year. Team members are taught and compete in the saddle seat and equitation disciplines on American Saddlebred horses, as well as other breeds. The team is welcome to anyone with any level of riding experience. The UK Saddle Seat Team is coached by Stephanie Sedlacko and Catherine Van Arsdell at Wingswept Farms in Nicholasville, KY.

Western Equestrian Team

Agricultural Education Society at UK

Agricultural Education Society is an organization for students who are passionate about sharing the story of agriculture and serving affiliated youth organizations.

Collegiate 4-H 

Collegiate 4-H is an extension of the 4-H Organization and is a continuation of 4-H membership and service through college years. The club welcomes everyone from past members to any new interested students. Our club focuses on leadership and service here on UK's campus, and in the surrounding community. We not only interact with local 4-H programs and the State organization, but we are also apart of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization. We participate in several activities including: bowling, movie nights, holiday parties, volunteering with local 4-H organizations, and much more. UK Collegiate 4-H is a great way to become involved on UK's campus and to continue to participate in 4-H through your college years!

Retailing & Tourism Management (RTM) Club

Students Advocating for Family Efficiency (SAFE)

Students Advocating for Family Efficiency (SAFE) is a student-led organization for both graduate and undergraduate students in Family Sciences. The primary purpose of SAFE is to encourage and support students in their development as professionals in Family Sciences. The organization provides a balance of social and professional activities that include volunteer opportunities, guest speakers, career preparation activities, and participation in state and national conferences. Participation is open to all Family Sciences majors.

Wildcat Service Dogs

57 Day Blood Club

This club is made to promote blood donation by students as a way to give back to the community. We will work hand in hand with the Kentucky Blood Center and Sigma Nu to host a blood drive every 57 days (minimum time to donate blood consecutively).

The following UK Greek organizations are most closely affiliated with the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, but many other students are also members of other Greek chapters on campus.

Alpha Gamma Rho

Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) is the University of Kentucky's only agricultural and social/professional fraternity on campus. Its lifelong brotherhood and tradition remain strong and dedicated to making better men throughout their collegiate experience in a non-pledging environment where each brother can enhance their social and professional skills. With the support of corporate sponsors and over 1,700 UK AGR alumni, AGR brothers have a competitive edge when preparing to enter the agricultural industry. 

Sigma Alpha

Sigma Alpha Sorority is the University of Kentucky's professional agriculture sorority. Its objective is to promote its members in all facets of agriculture and to strengthen the bonds of friendship among them. It is the purpose of the members to strive for achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service, and to further the development of excellence in women pursuing careers in agriculture. 

Dairy Judging Team

The University of Kentucky Dairy Judging Team was established to educate students on dairy cattle evaluation. Students will learn how to properly evaluate and rank dairy cattle for milk production and longevity based on physical characteristics. By joining the Dairy Judging Team students will be given the opportunities to travel around the United States, networking with dairy producers, animal science industry representatives, and high school and 4-H agriculture instructors, work with dairy cattle, aid with dairy judging clinics, and visit working dairy farms. Team members will also have the opportunity to compete collegially at the All American Dairy Show, World Dairy Expo, and the North American Livestock Expo. No dairy experience is required, all students are welcome to join!

Livestock Judging Team

Livestock judging consists of carefully analyzing animals (beef cattle, sheep, swine and goats) and measuring them against a standard that is commonly accepted as being ideal. There are numerous benefits to gain from competing on a livestock judging team. In the course of training and competition students are given the opportunity to interact with future leaders of the livestock industry. Students develop a keen sense of judgment and confidence to make a decision that is defended in a set of oral reasons. At the University of Kentucky team members compete at Dixie National Livestock Show, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, All-East, Keystone International Livestock Expo, Premier Stockman, American Royal and North American Livestock Expo. 

Meats Judging Team

The Meats Judging Team trains students to accurately evaluate a range of wholesale cuts and meat carcasses. Being a part of the team provides lessons for future occupations, with experiences in detailed observations, efficient communications, and critical thinking. Students have the opportunity to travel the country competing against other university teams as they learn, experience, and bond together.

Soil Judging Team 

Avian Science Club

The Avian Science Club is offered through the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment focusing on all things birds. We are open to anyone from any major who expresses an interest in joining. We will also be offering associate membership to non-UK individuals.

Block and Bridle

The UK Block and Bridle Club provides students interested in various aspects of the livestock industry with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills. Members may participate in activities such as the Little North American, community service projects, National Convention, fundraising events and social opportunities.

Dairy Club

The UK Dairy Club has fun and exciting activities which allow its members to interact with the cows and people of the dairy industry. This could be traveling abroad to compare their industries or by inviting middle school students to learn about the cow and how milk is produced. From attending Regional/National ADSA and State Fair, every Dairy Club event is an adventure. 

Pre-Vet Club

The UK Pre-Vet Club is open to all students interested in Veterinary Medicine. The club was created to help students with their undergraduate studies and to aid them in the selection of veterinary school upon completion of their requirements. Meetings throughout the year allow members to listen and exchange ideas and information about their classes and work experiences. Other activities include guest speakers and field trips to Tennessee and Auburn’s Vet Schools.

The Helping Paw

The Helping Paw is an organization that brings students together for group volunteering events at local shelters and humane societies. The goal of the organization is to bring together animal lovers from all walks of life at the University of Kentucky and create opportunities for them to develop leadership skills while making a positive impact in their community. During events students could be walking dogs, socializing with cats, or assisting with adoption events. 

Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources & Related Sciences (MANRRS)

The UK MANRRS members help promote the advancement of members of ethnic/cultural groups that are underrepresented in agricultural and related sciences. Members have the opportunity to participate in diverse activities that support their and others' academic and professional development and achievement. Our organization meets bi-weekly on campus. Membership is open to all students and professionals interested in promoting diversity and inclusion in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences as well as representing a variety of colleges.

University of Kentucky Faith Organizations

Students at the University of Kentucky can join a variety of religious organizations based upon their personal faith, unique values or general interests. These groups are affiliated with a variety of religious bodies such as Bahá'í, Buddism, Christianity (including Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Non-Denominational), Islam, Judaism and more. Each of these organizations assist the University in its effort to promote diversity and be inclusive of all people. 

  • For more information on these groups, complete the form on this page

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

GSA promotes awareness and fairness concerning LGBT issues at UK and work for a unified gay and straight community in the Lexington area. This group hosts a variety of events throughout the year including "Coming Out Day," service activities, and social outings. 

University of Kentucky Latino Student Union (LSU)

The Latino Student Union serves as a cultural, educational, political, social outlet for the Latino and Latin American community at the University of Kentucky. The LSU creates a voice for the Latino community by identifying the issues of Latino students on campus and advocating to the University administration to address these needs. The group also strives to serve the Latino community off campus through community service events projected at the upward movement of the community.

University of Kentucky Martin Luther King Center

The UK MLK Center supports underrepresented undergraduate students through a variety of programming, intercultural activities, service events and more. 

Multicultural Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPs)

MAPS is an organization to inform and educate on a variety of careers in healthcare. The group helps aspiring healthcare professionals with career choices, academic advice and connections with current professionals in their area of interest.

Shades of Pride

Shades of Pride exists to provide support and advocacy for students, staff and faculty of color who identify as either a member of the LGBTQ community or identify as allies for the LGBTQ. This group is open to anyone but is centered on the needs of queer and trans people of color.

Click here to see other related clubs and organizations at the University of Kentucky. 

The Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky

The Campus Kitchen at the University of Kentucky (CKUK) is an on-campus student service organization that was established in April 2014 with faculty support from the Department of Dietetics & Human Nutrition. CKUK is an affiliate of the national The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP), which provides a sustainable approach to reducing food waste on college campuses while also providing healthy meals to those struggling with hunger.

Universities Fighting World Hunger

The Universities Fighting World hunger organization supports on-campus, hunger-related initiatives and organizations by facilitating communication and providing resources to develop and implement strategies to end hunger.

Agricultural & Medical Biotechnology Club

This club provides opportunities for fellowship among students and faculty in not only the Ag. & Medical Biotechnology field, but related areas as well. Club activities involve guest speakers, field trips, and special events.

Alpha Epsilon

Alpha Epsilon is an honor society for outstanding agricultural, biological and food engineers. The objectives of the honor society are to promote the high ideals of the engineering profession, to give recognition to those agricultural, biological and food engineers who manifest worthy qualities of character, scholarship and professional attainment, and to encourage and support such improvements in the agricultural, biological and food engineering profession that make it an instrument of greater service to mankind.

Association of Plant Pathology Scholars

The Association of Plant Pathology Scholars (APPS) is the UK Department of Plant Pathology's organization of graduate students, postdocs, and other scholars. This group was established to voice graduate student opinions and to keep students informed of new departmental policies; membership has since expanded to include postdocs and visiting scholars.

BAE Student Branch

University of Kentucky BAE Student Branch is a chapter of ASABE for the professional advancement of students enrolled in the BAE department. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) develops professional and social contacts for students interested in the relationships between engineering and biological sciences. Members participate in social activities, barbeques, Engineering Week, regional and international meetings, and design competitions such as the 1/4 scale tractor pulling team. Fundraising endeavors include tuning up community lawnmowers in the spring.

Food Science Club

The Food Science Club better acquaints students with the food industry through extramural activities such as club picnics and outings, fundraising events and competitions in regional and national events.

Undergraduate Science Journal Club

Water Professionals Student Chapter

The Water Professionals Student Chapter at the University of Kentucky gives students the opportunity to learn about fields of sustainability and water resources engineering and meet local water professionals. The chapter aims to promote the talent of young professionals who will influence the future of the water or wastewater industries.

Wildcat Pulling Team 

The Wildcat Pulling Team competes in the 1/4 Scale Tractor Design Competition hosted and organized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Collegiate Teams from all across North America and Canada compete in the event and are judged in five main categories: comprehensive design, oral team presentation, functional aspects, performance, and maneuverability.

Distillation, Wine, and Brewing Sciences Club

The Distillation, Wine & Brewing Science Club at the University of Kentucky is a dynamic and inclusive community for students passionate about the art and science of fermentation, distillation, and beverage production. Open to all students enrolled in the DWBS certificate program, our club serves as a hub for networking, learning, and exploration within the world of alcohol production.

Advisor: Glenna Joyce

UK Club Sports

From golf to ice hockey, rock climbing to soccer, there's something for every interest and experience level.

Browse Clubs

Spiritual Groups

Religious Advisors Staff can connect you with a variety of faith-based organizations on campus.

Faith-Based Orgs

Graduate Clubs

Involvement is not only for undergrads - there are dozens of groups for master's & Ph.D. students.

Browse Clubs